How correctly to iron?

Ironing of linen and clothes for many housewives is one of the most unloved duties: all these folds, not smoothing at all, random spots from improperly adjusted iron ... However, if you know how to iron things properly, ironing is no longer so terrible. The country of the Soviets will give you some useful recommendations on the correct ironing of clothes and clothes.
The general rules for ironing are quite simple. So, it is recommended to iron all things on a special ironing board or on a table on which there is a folded folded covering. It is important to remember that the thinner the fabric that needs to be ironed, the thicker and softer the surface on which ironing is to be done.
Ironing normally slightly undersized or specially moisturized linen (clothes) - in this form foldsSmoothed out much easier. Now almost all models of irons are equipped with a "sprinkler", so problems with moistening things when ironing should not be. If there is still no "sprinkler", then this is not a problem: you can iron through a layer of clean cotton cloth moistened in water and well wrung out - this will help to evenly moisturize the smoothed thing.
Ironing linen or clothes should be only with a clean iron, so before ironing is important every timecheck the soleplate of the iron: whether it is contaminated. Also, you need to clean only clean things, otherwise the stains on things will become more noticeable, besides, they will be more difficult to remove, because from the heat the dirt is even more "eaten" into the fibers of the fabric.
Heating iron with ironing is very important: too cold iron can not smooth the folds, and too hot can damage the fabric. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor the temperature regulator: before starting ironing, it must be adjusted in accordance with the type of tissue being smoothed.
On the temperature regulators in modern modelsirons are often indicated directly, for which particular tissue is the particular temperature regime. If the temperature modes are indicated simply by the number of points (1 point is the lowest temperature, 3 points is the highest temperature), then it is recommended to start ironing always with the regulator position at the minimum mark, gradually increasing the heating temperature to the desired temperature.
Synthetic fabrics, as well as such natural materials as silk or wool, You need to iron at the lowest temperature, it is useful between the smoothed thing andan iron to put a "padding": a layer of pure white cotton fabric. The highest temperature of the iron can be used to smooth natural linen items, as well as things from cotton.
It's no secret that one of the mostdifficult-to-wear garments are men's pants and shirts. To properly iron these things, you must follow a special sequence of actions. So that Man iron trousers with characteristic "arrows", it is necessary first to iron the pants from the underside, moving from the waist and pockets downwards, and then from the front side to make these very "arrows".
For "arrows" each pant leg needs to be folded so,so that its lateral seams exactly coincide with the inner seams: the resulting folds on the front and back of the trousers will subsequently be "arrows". It remains to iron each of the pants in this position and voila - the "arrows" are ready. To get the "arrows" held especially long, it is recommended ironing trousers through a cloth, which is soaked in a solution of vinegar, then, when the pants are dry, you need to iron them with a hot iron through a layer of dense slightly moistened paper.
To smooth out a man's shirt, you must start ironing from the collar. Then the back of the shirt is smoothed: the iron must necessarily move along the lobe, otherwise the shirt can be deformed. Next comes the turn of the cuffs: the buttons on the cuffs need to be unbuttoned, the cuffs straightened. Smooth cuffs from the front and from the wrong side.
The most difficult thing in the process of ironing a shirt - smoothing of sleeves. If there is a special narrow board for sleeves incomplete with an ironing board - great, there will be no problems at this stage. If there is no such board, then it should be so. Hose the fold in half so that the seam is in the middle. Carefully iron the sleeve, then fold it over the seam and again iron it, making sure that no "creases" are formed.
After smoothing the sleeves, iron the front of the shirt, paying special attention to the space betweenbuttons. It is recommended to iron the shirt both from the front and from the wrong side. The ironed shirt should be hung on the hangers and let it cool before putting it on.
Knowing how to iron properly different things, it is not difficult to cope with such an unloved domestic duty as ironing. If it is also right to choose an iron, ironing can be turned even into pleasure!