How to meet the New Year 2017 of the Firecracker: what to cook and what menu to choose, where to celebrate the New Year, signs

One of the main New Year's resolutions reads: "How you will meet the New Year, so you will spend it." Perhaps, that's why many people are striving to spend an unforgettable New Year's Eve in a cheerful friendly company at a splendid festive table and interesting entertainments. It is believed that this scenario is able to attract good luck in the coming year and to charge it with positive energy. From our today's article, you will learn how to celebrate the New Year 2017 of the Firecracker to make the celebration fun and original. What to cook for the New Year and how to make an inexpensive but tasty menu. Where it is possible to meet beautifully the main winter holiday in Russia and abroad. And also find the main New Year's signs for attracting luck, wealth and prosperity in the coming year.

How best to celebrate the New Year 2017 Cock, omens

How to meet the New Year 2017 of the Firecracker: what to cook and what menu to choose, where to celebrate the New Year, signs

Let's start, perhaps, with the take, as bestmeet the New Year 2017 of the Rooster. According to the Eastern calendar, the coming year will pass under the sign of the Red Fiery Cock - a bright, bold and active bird. Therefore, in order to appease Rooster this New Year is best to meet in a cheerful and friendly company of relatives and friends. All the same the cockerel is a domestic bird and is famous for its large family. Therefore, try to collect in one place all relatives and very close friends. Or another option: to meet the holiday with the family, and then go on a visit to friends.

Regardless of the place of celebration,it is desirable to prepare an interesting script with a lot of fun contests. Like the Fire Cock and the idea of ​​a New Year party in the style of a masquerade ball with bright masks and costumes. If we talk about the decor of the interior, it is best to meet the New Year 2017 Rooster on the signs in place with an abundance of Christmas decorations. The more garlands, tinsel, snowflakes and other thematic decor will be, the better. But do not forget that the room should be decorated with taste and preferably in the right color scheme of the new symbol - a red-orange-yellow palette. In addition, it is certainly worth using in the decor of the room natural materials. For example, Christmas decorations of grains, straw, dry plants, flax, clay. It is these materials that are most associated with the cockerel. In addition, they are kept in the right warm color scheme.

How to meet the Rooster: what to cook and what should be the menu for the New Year 2017

How to meet the New Year 2017 of the Firecracker: what to cook and what menu to choose, where to celebrate the New Year, signs

A special point is how to properly meetRooster take questions about what to cook and what should be the menu for the New Year 2017. It is unlikely that we will surprise you, saying that chicken has no place on the festive table this year. Just like the chicken eggs in pure form, which is better to replace quail eggs. Instead of chicken meat on the table can be turkey, lean pork or duck. But keep in mind that it is undesirable to serve a bird baked in the oven in its entirety - cut meat is best added to salads and hot dishes.

Of course, how to meet the Rooster, or rather, whatcook and what should be the menu for the New Year 2017, each hostess decides for herself. But there is a list of dishes that must certainly be in the New Year's menu. First of all, simple meals from vegetables and fruits should be present on the festive table. It can be as salads, original cuts, and snacks and desserts. It is advisable not to give in to vegetables and fruits, subjected to heat treatment, and use them fresh. Also like the feathered symbol of the year, fresh herbs, nuts, beans. If you want to truly arrange Firecracker in the coming year, then be sure to cook one dish of whole wheat. For example, it can be baked or dessert by the type of Christmas bush.

Variants of festive dishes for the New Year of the Firecracker

How to meet the New Year 2017 of the Firecracker: what to cook and what menu to choose, where to celebrate the New Year, signs

Further you will find a list of dishes that can becomeThe perfect basis for the New Year's menu-2017. Practically all of them are quite simple in cooking and are customary for our kitchen. However, to bring originality and unusualness to the festive menu, you can always with the help of seafood, spices, elements of Korean cuisine - all of them are also perfect for celebrating the New Year 2017. So, the options for festive dishes for the New Year's table:

  • fish (salmon, trout, halibut, dorada)

  • Baked meat with vegetable garnish (potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini)

  • salads from vegetables with olive oil

  • pickled appetizers

  • mushrooms

  • cheese sliced

  • desserts with fruits

  • Assorted nuts, seeds, berries

  • fresh vegetable and fruit juices, compotes, fruit drinks

Of course, this list of foods and dishes isapproximate. It can always be supplemented with traditional for our New Year's menu olivier, herring under a fur coat and a cold. But make certain adjustments and add a festive table "correct" for the cockerel products is sure to. Even if you do not believe in signs, such healthy foods will positively affect your state of health on New Year's Eve.

How and where to have fun and original meet the New Year of the Rooster

How to meet the New Year 2017 of the Firecracker: what to cook and what menu to choose, where to celebrate the New Year, signs

The question of how and where is original and funmeet the New Year of the Firecracker, you can call one of the most relevant. There can be several answers to these questions. For example, astrologers claim that it is best to meet the coming year at home. They explain their position by the fact that the Fire Rooster, despite its active principle, is a poultry that appreciates the family and coziness. Hence the logical question, how fun and original can you see the New Year of the Rooster at home? The answer is simple: in advance to think over a cheerful thematic script or invite animators. The more jokes, fun contests, fun games will be on New Year's Eve, the better for both your company and the Firecracker.

If the option with home New Year's gatheringsyou do not consider, then give preference to quiet and cozy cafes and restaurants. Among the main conditions for choosing the right place should be: home cooking, cheerful show program, quiet music, nice interior. This environment is the best way to help relax and help you feel as comfortable as at home.

Original places for the New Year

How to meet the New Year 2017 of the Firecracker: what to cook and what menu to choose, where to celebrate the New Year, signs

For active and non-ordinary personalities whowant to New Year's Eve to get the maximum drive is suitable option of meeting the New Year in the fresh air. It can be the main tree of the city, the central street, park or even a country villa. You can also go on an active holiday in the forest or the nearest ski resort. As for the options for meeting New Year's Eve in distant and exotic countries, astrologers do not recommend traveling far from home. It is better to give preference to local and nearby sanatoria, hotels and resorts.

Where beautiful and inexpensive you can meet the New Year 2017 in Russia

If you choose a place where you can meet beautifullyThe New Year of 2017 in Russia is quite easy, then with the "cheap" prefix it's much more difficult. First, the New Year holidays are always a time of rising prices for accommodation and travel in most cities and resorts. And secondly, most tourists are eager to visit the New Year in the famous places, which of course increases their cost. Therefore, if you want to beautifully and inexpensively meet the New Year 2017 in Russia, then plan your vacation in advance. It is advisable for 3-4 months to book tickets and hotel rooms, a place for a New Year's holiday. Also, an independently thought out plan of excursions and entertainment will help to save significantly.

Further you will find a list of the most beautiful places in Russia, in which you can find simply unforgettable New Year of the Fire Cock:

  • St. Petersburg

  • Kazan

  • Moscow

  • Great Ustyug

  • Krasnaya Polyana

  • of the Golden Ring of Russia

  • Yakutia

  • Kamchatka

  • Karelia

In any case, how to celebrate the New Year 2017best of all, including where and with whom, it's up to you. But we hope that our small tips, signs, tips on what to cook and how the menu should be, will help you decide on this issue. And your New Year's Eve will be fun, original, interesting and unforgettable!

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