Catholic Christmas 2010

In 145 countries around the world, Christmas is considered a public holiday. The essence of this holiday - in the birth of the Son of God Jesus Christ by the Immaculate Virgin Mary. This event opened for every believer the possibility of saving the soul and eternal life.
In the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar, the celebration of the Nativity of Christ precedes the period Advent, which begins four Sundays beforeChristmas. The duration of the Advent can be different, depending on what day of the week Christmas is spent this year. For example, Catholic Christmas 2010 falls on Saturday, then Advent began on Sunday, November 28.
Previously, Advent was a period of fasting. At present, fasting is not necessary, but many Catholic believers observe it. Advent - time of repentance. It is recommended that believers confess, andthe clergy wear violet vestments - this color is considered penitential. On each of the four Sundays of Advent there is a worship service dedicated to a certain topic.
Besides this Advent is a time of joyful expectation of a holiday, with which certain traditions are connected. So, many hang or put on the table the so-called Christmas wreath, or Advent wreath. It is made of fir branches and is decorated with four candles. On the first Sunday of Advent one candle is lit, the second - two, etc. The closer Catholic Christmas, the lighter it becomes. According to the liturgical colors of Advent services, three candles should be purple, and one - pink, it is lit on the third Sunday of Advent.
Another Advent tradition, especially loved by children, is Christmas calendar. It is divided into squares ("windows") along thethe number of days of Advent. Each "window" is covered with a leaf with a date, behind which some delicacy is hidden. Every day a new "window" opens, another delicacy is eaten, and the Catholic Christmas is getting closer.
December 24 Christmas Eve begins - Christmas Eve. On this day all-night service is served(vihilia), and in many countries the faithful observe a strict fast. By tradition, fasting continues to the first star - in memory of the Bethlehem star, which ushered in the birth of Christ. However, this tradition is not recorded in the charter of the church.
In the evening on the eve of Christmas, Christmas Eve Mass. In Christmas itself can serve threevarious Masses - Mass at Night, Mass at dawn and Mass at daytime. They symbolize the birth of Christ in the womb of the Father, in the womb of the Mother of God and in the souls of all believers. In practice, the first mass can be performed not at midnight, but on the eve of the evening. This Mass is distinguished by especially solemn liturgical chants. There is a tradition by which the priest presiding over the mass puts the figure of the Child in a Christmas nativity scene.
Starting on December 25, Catholic Christmas lasts for eight days - from December 25 to January 1. These days form the so-called Octave of Christmas. In addition to the Nativity of Christ in OctaveChristmas includes the memory of Stephen the First Martyr, John the Theologian, Innocent babes of Bethlehem, Thomas Becket, Pope of Rome Sylvester I, as well as the feast of the Holy Family and the Triumph of the Most Holy Theotokos. During this period the clergy is replaced by a purple vestment in white - festive. The day of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated especially solemnly and concludes the celebration of the Catholic Christmas.