Easter 2010

The greatest holiday of the whole Christian world is coming - the holiday of the Bright Resurrection, also called Easter. In 2010, Easter, both Catholic and Orthodox, is celebrated on April 4. What is Easter? What customs and traditions are observed at Easter?
The Old Testament Passover marked deliverancepeople of God, i.е. Jews from Egyptian slavery and was celebrated in honor of the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt by the prophet Moses. The very word "Easter" comes from the Hebrew "Pesach", which means "deliverance", "exodus". Easter in the New Testament is celebrated in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ After the martyrdom, which he took onthe cross to atone for man's sins. In the modern world, the Christian Church shares the Old Testament (Jewish) and New Testament (Christian) Passover.
Date of Christian Easter is calculated according to a special method in accordance withthe solar-lunar calendar and is a passing holiday. The rule says: The Resurrection of Christ is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon following the spring equinox in March.
Due to differences in the system for calculating this holiday,Easter in the Orthodox and Catholic faiths may not coincide (the Orthodox Church expects Easter in the Alexandrian Paschalia, and the Catholic Church according to the Gregorian). For example, in the past, 2009, the year, Catholics celebrated Easter on April 12, and the Orthodox on April 19.
Before Easter, the faithful observe a forty-day fast, called the Great Lent. The last Sunday before Easter - Palm Sunday - marks the beginning of Holy Week (of the week). Palm Sunday is dedicated to the entrance of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. According to biblical legends, Jesus rode to Jerusalem on a donkey, holding a palm branch in his hand, which is probably why in Catholicism Palm Sunday is called Palmov.
During Holy Week worship services are held in the churches, whichremind believers of the last days of the life of Jesus Christ, of his sufferings. All days of Holy Week are called "Greats" - Great Monday, Great Tuesday, etc., the epithet "Passionate" is also used. In the Holy Week, the fast is especially severe.
There are many folk traditions associated with the celebration of the Bright Resurrection of Christ. So, during the Great Thursday, which inpeople are still called "clean", it is customary to cleanse spiritually, through the sacrament of the sacrament, and physically, through purification by water (for example, in an ice hole, a river or a lake). Also on Easter, Easter eggs are painted on the Easter table.
On the evening of Great Thursday, and also duringPassionate Friday made Easter cakes, Easter. On the night of Great Saturday, a special night service is held, the faithful meet the dawn together, the priests begin to consecrate Easter food.
The Day of the Bright Resurrection is a day of celebration. On this day, believers are happy and congratulate each otherfriend. It is customary to greet passers-by with the words: "Christ is Risen!", To which it is necessary to answer: "Verily Risen!". According to the Church Charter, it is also necessary to kiss three times, but in the modern world this part of the greeting is usually observed only by close friends and relatives.
At Easter, it is also customary to do good deeds. For this purpose, when going to worship, believers prepare a small basket with food for the beggars, give alms. It is believed that by doing good deeds, a person is cleansed from sins.
Morning meal for Easter is covered from the eveningGreat Saturday. To start the meal, you need to eat a sacred colored egg symbolizing a new life, and a piece of the Easter cake. After that, you can eat the rest of the food.
All Sunday people treat each other with Easter and Easter cakes, krasanki. Children play special games with Easter eggs: break them, roll them off the hill, etc.