Christmas decorations for homeIf we have the most important holiday in the year - Newyear, in Europe to the meeting of the new year are treated with coolness, considering the most bright holiday in the year Christmas. By Christmas prepare in advance, decorating your home from the inside and outside. Why do not we adopt some traditional Christmas decorations?

In many countries, Christmas decorations for the home make of branches of evergreens: white mistletoe, holly, ivy and poinsettia. White mistletoe symbolizes fertility and hospitality. According to the old tradition, a guy has the right to kiss a girl standing under a branch of mistletoe. Holly (holly) Is a symbol of prosperity, and ivy personifies immortality.

Poinsettia (Euphorbia the most beautiful) is also called Bethlehemor a Christmas star, because it blooms just for Christmas, and its flowers resemble a star in shape. Traditional Christmas fir or pine, too, do not ignore. Of all these plants make a variety of Christmas decorations: wreaths, compositions, just bouquets.

By the way, the Christmas wreath is a traditionaldecoration of the interior in many countries (USA, Great Britain, Germany, France). Its round form symbolizes the completion of the old year, the end of one stage in life and the beginning of the next. He is considered an amulet, bringing prosperity and prosperity. Hanging on the door Christmas wreath means that this house is always welcome guests.

Wreaths are made from spruce branches and decorated with ribbons,cones, bells, candles, tangerines, dried citrus slices, cinnamon sticks and other elements. In Germany, a wreath adorns the house four weeks before Christmas, with the advent of Advent. On this wreath there are four candles. On the first Sunday of Advent one candle is lit, in a week or two, so that on the last Sunday before Christmas all four candles are lit.

Another Christmas interior decoration associated with the Advent, is the Advent calendar. It is divided into squares, "windows", the number of which is equal to the number of days of Advent. Every day a child opens one "window" and gets a treat or a small toy.

Christmas decorations for home Christmas decorations for home

And, of course, where without candles. Candles - traditional Christmas decorations in many countries. In the UK, for example, it was acceptedput in the fireplace the so-called Christmas log, which was supposed to burn all night. Over time, this log was replaced by a thick Christmas candle. Candles are decorated with paper ribbons, strips of foil, gold and silver threads.

In Finland and the countries of Scandinavia (Sweden, Denmark, Norway) have their own Christmas decorations, for example, himmeli - chandelier made of straw. They hang Himmeli over the festive toil, hesymbolizes a rich harvest. Himmeli not removed after the holiday, this decoration hangs until the summer (so do not rush to saw her husband for not taken out a New Year tree - to the Finns he is far away).

Himmeli is made from pre-steamedstraw. This is usually done by women on cozy seating. They call such gatherings "ladies' Christmas" because of the festive mood reigning on them. In addition to Hummel in Scandinavia, other Christmas ornaments made of straw are made - sprockets, snowflakes, angels and other figures. And in Norway, jewelry is always used dry ears of oats.

Of course, we must not forget about such Christmas decorations as socks above the fireplace. If we have gifts placed under the tree, thenin many countries it is believed that St. Nicholas puts them in shoes or socks. Children who behaved well, get coins and candies, and naughty sharks - embers.

Of course, do not hang socks in which your child walks every day. Before the holiday, you can sew or tie such socks (and bigger in size, so that more giftsclimbed up). For example, Christmas socks in patchwork technique look very cozy and create a holiday atmosphere. Usually they are hung over the fireplace (according to the legend, St. Nicholas helped poor children by dropping coins into their socks, which were dried by the fireplace), but in the absence of a fireplace they can be hung anywhere.

Even if you do not celebrate Catholic Christmas, Christmas decorations will give you a holiday atmosphere. It is not necessary to use them all - sometimes one Christmas wreath will suffice to make your house transformed.

Christmas decorations for home
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