Christmas traditions in different countries. Part 2In the first part of this material, the Country of Soviets described what Christmas traditions are in Germany and the Czech Republic. And this article will highlight Christmas traditions in the UK and France.

Christmas traditions in the UK

Christmas traditions in the UK are rooted in the Middle Ages. Previously, on Christmas Eve, the fireplace was very hot logs, which was supposed to burn all night. Now this log replaces a thick Christmas candle. Therefore, the night before Christmas is also called the night of candles - this evening the windows of almost all houses, especially in rural areas, are lit by candles.

Before Christmas they decorate the house with branches evergreens, for example, ivy and holly (holly). Holly and mistletoe (holly and mistletoe) are considered traditional in English-speaking countriesChristmas plants. The white mistletoe is hung in the doorways. Traditionally, a man at Christmas has the right to kiss any girl who had the imprudence to stand under the dressing from the mistletoe.

Christmas Tree in England began to dress up relatively recently - inthe middle of the XIX century. This custom migrated here from Germany. First installed and decorated Christmas tree for their children, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in Windsor Castle. This tradition has spread throughout England. During the Second World War, the Norwegian king and the government, who were at that time in the UK, smuggled a huge spruce from occupied Norway. It was installed in Trafalgar Square in London. Since then, the New Year's tree from Oslo is set on the square every year.

Traditional Christmas dishes in the UK are a stuffed turkey for England, roast goose in Ireland and Wales and a smoked goose in Scotland. Christmas can not do without an indispensable plum-puddinga. Before serving, it is impregnated with brandy andignited, so another name for the Christmas pudding is "pudding on fire." Often in Christmas pudding "for luck" bake small silver coins.

The second day of Christmas (St. Stephen's Day) in England is called Boxing Day. Earlier on this day before the special boxes were installed in the churches (boxes) for donations. On the day of St. Stephen the pastor distributed the money among the poor parishioners. When the moneyboxes stopped installing, the poor (apprentices, messengers, etc.) themselves went home with a box for offerings. On this day, children unpack their Christmas presents.

Christmas traditions in France

Most French provinces celebrate Christmas on December 25, like all other Catholic countries. In the east and west of France, the period of Christmas holidays begins at St. Nicholas Day, December 6. There are regions in which the beginning of the Christmas holidays marks feast of theophany. In French it is called la fête des Rois, the festival of the Kings. By kings are meant Magi who brought gifts to the baby Jesus.

Christmas presents to French children brings Per Noel (literally - the father of Christmas). Christmas traditions prescribe children to leave their shoes near the fireplace - then Per Noel will put gifts in them if, of course, the children were obedient. But if the whole year the child behaved badly, instead of Per Noel, Per Fuetar (grandfather with birch) will come to him and leave coal instead of presents in the shoes. However, French children also believe in Santa Claus and write letters to him. So the more Christmas wizards - the better!

After the Christmas Mass comes time a festive dinner for the whole family. It's called Revueon and comes from the verb réveiller, meaning "to be reborn", "to wake up". Traditional Christmas dishes are a bird (turkey, chicken, rooster or goose) and white Christmas pudding. After Reway, a candle is lit for the Virgin Mary.

France is famous for its Christmas desserts. Among them - La Bush de Noël, a pie with chestnutsand chocolate, shaped like a log; Le Pen Calendo is a loaf, which is supposed to be shared with the poor; La Gallette de Roy - pie, which is prepared for the Epiphany. When it is cut, there is a small child under the table (the "little king") and tells who will get what piece. Previously, it baked a bean, and the King or Queen became the one who got the piece with the bean. He had the right to choose a couple for the evening.

Christmas tree in France began to decorate in Alsace in the XIV centuryribbons, apples and paper flowers. Some French people instead of spruce decorate the house with twigs of mistletoe, bringing good luck. In the churches and houses, children's nurseries with the baby Jesus are placed and compositions of small dolls depicting the birth of Christ.

Christmas traditions in different countries. Part 2
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