New Year garlandsTo create a festive mood, you need to decorate your apartment in advance. One of the usual and accessible ornaments for us is a variety of garlands. The country of the Soviets will tell you how to do it New Year garlands.

New Year garlands can be made with their own handsfrom a variety of materials. You can cut a garland of paper or tie a lot of candy in colored candy wrappers - it's easy, fast, and in the case of sweets - it's also delicious. And you can show your imagination and make a garland more complicated, from an unusual material. The country of Soviets will tell a few ideas for such garlands.

Garland of tennis balls

In order to make this unusual garland, you will need:

  • ready garland with light bulbs

  • plastic balls for ping-pong (the number depends on the number of bulbs in the garland)

  • drill with a thin drill

  • vise

  • soft cloth

  • glue

Fix the ping-pong ball in a vice. In order not to damage it, put soft cloths or foam rubber on both sides. The ball must be fixed firmly enough so that it does not fall out, but at the same time be careful not to deform it. Drill a hole in the ball - its diameter should be such that a bulb passes through it. Put the ball on the bulb, additionally gluing it for more reliability. In the same way, make a "shade" of tennis balls for each bulb. The result is a funny garland of glowing balls.

Garland of photos

Beautiful a garland of family photos will please you after the New Year. After all, instead of boring your guests by viewing family photo albums or numerous folders with photos on your computer, you can arrange a mini digression into the history of your family by simply showing a garland!

However, this garland will simply be made only by those who know how to work with a sewing machine. To make a garland of photos you will need:

  • thin white felt

  • sewing machine

  • thread

  • multi-colored ribbons

  • pencil

  • scissors

  • Photo

Take photos for the garland. It is better not to take too large photos. You can cut only the fragments of the photo, cutting off all that is superfluous. If the photo paper is too thin - paste the photo onto the cardboard.

From white felt, cut rectangles intonumber of photos. The area of ​​each rectangle should be twice the area of ​​the photo + allowances of 5 mm. Each rectangle fold in half and sew its edges to make a "pocket". You can take a white thread in the tone felt, you can - bright colored. Turn out the ready-made pocket for the photo, with the help of a sharp object straighten the corners and carefully iron all the folds with an iron.

New Year garlandsAccording to the idea of ​​the garland, every photo shouldto remind a photo made with the help of a polaroid. To do this, in each pocket you need to cut a square window. The distance from the bottom of the pocket to the window should be greater than the distance from the top (see the figure). Put the photos into the pockets with the windows and stitch the side and bottom edges of the pockets. The top hole must be left untouched!

Cut a piece of colored ribbon and fold iteyelet. Place the eyelet under the photograph (between the photo and the pouch) and stitch the top. The last you need to stitch the bottom of the window from the left to the right side line. Then, take a New Year's garland with light bulbs or a colored ribbon, string on it a photo and you can hang a garland on the tree or on the wall!

Garland of pom-poms

Beautiful New Year garlandsare obtained from fluffy pompoms. To make this soft amusing garland you will need colorful woolen threads - you can buy ready-made threads in a tangle, or you can dissolve an old sweater. From the threads in the tangle pompoms of a neat shape are obtained, and from the loose sweaters - "curly". In addition to the threads you need to take:

  • cardboard

  • compass

  • pencil

  • scissors

Make the necessary number of pom-poms forGarlands. To do this, take a sheet of cardboard and cut out of it two "bagels". To make a "bagel", draw a circle with the circle of the required diameter, and in the center of it - another circle, smaller. Fold the two blanks together.

Wrap the workpieces with threads along the entire diameter. The more magnificent pom-pom you want, the more layers of thread you need to wind. When you wind a sufficient number of threads, cut them along the outer edge and carefully move the workpieces. Bundle the thread in the middle and remove the rings. Ready pompom you need to gently raspushit. The thread, which you bandaged it, cut to a length of about 15 cm.

Collect ready pompoms, arrange in the right order (for example, alternating multicolored pom-poms) and tie them for threads. The garland is ready!

New Year garlands
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