Tips for those who are familiar with the hangover

Recipe actors of the theater Lenkom:
If in a state of strong alcohol intoxication you need to sober up quickly, put a wet towel on the floor, stand on it with bare feet and slowly "pick up" a towel under your foot.
When the whole towel is under your feet, you will become crystal sober. But this state will last an hour and a half, after which you will be disconnected.
Therefore, this method of "sobering up" is good in those cases when it is necessary to completely get rid of the drunken state for a short time. For example, play a performance ......
By the way, one more Lenkomovskaya cunning. If next morning after a tumultuous drinking your face is suitable only to sit on it, and you need to look perfect - apply a layer of toothpaste on your face for 10-15 minutes. In the old days, when Lenkom was still a Tetar named after the Leninist Komsomol, for this purpose toothpaste "Pomarin" was used. Now, probably, any one will do.
After 10-15 minutes, rinse the paste with warm water and boldly look into the mirror: the face will be fresh, ruddy, without bags under the eyes and other hangover disgraces.
That's just the eyes can be treacherously red or muddy .... But for this there are dark glasses !!!!!
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