Cake Anthill Many people from childhood know this taste - the taste of the cake"Anthill". This traditional home-made cake has its name because of its similarity with a real anthill. There is a huge number of different recipes for the cake "Anthill". Someone prepares it with sour cream, someone prefers the "quick Anthill", using ready-made cookies.

But the classic "Anthill" is a delicate short dough and a cream of condensed milk and butter. Do you want to make a classic cake "Anthill"? Then catch the recipe!

Cake "Anthill" (classic)

To prepare the cake "Anthill" you will need:

  • Flour - 3.5 cups

  • Sugar - 0,5 cups

  • Sour cream 200 g

  • Margarine (or oil) - 200 g

  • Salt (pinch)

  • Soda - 0.5 tsp.

  • Condensed milk - 1 jar

  • Oil - 200 g


Pour the sifted flour into a container. Add margarine, sour cream, a pinch of salt, sugar and, if desired, baking powder (soda drinking). Knead the dough.

Obtain the resulting dough through a meat grinder and lay it on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 ° C until golden brown.

Ready the short dough to take out of the oven, chill, grind. At this stage it is important not to overdo it - enough to grind the dough to a large crumb.

To prepare the cream, you need to beatbutter with boiled condensed milk. You can buy ready-made boiled condensed milk or cook it yourself. for this in a closed pot it needs to be cooked for an hour and a half.

When both the cream and the dough are ready, it is necessary to mix them and lay them on the dish with a slide. From above cake can be decorated with poppy seeds, grated chocolate, coconut shaving - as fantasy tells.

Ready cake should be placed in the refrigerator at least an hour for 3 for impregnation. After that, you can serve the "Anthill" to the table.

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