How to salt mushrooms?Autumn is approaching - a mushroom time, soon on ourThe table will have fried mushrooms, mushroom soups and other delicious dishes made from mushrooms. But you need to take care to prepare mushrooms for future use. They can be dried, canned or salted. The country of the Soviets will tell, how to salt mushrooms.

You can salt the mushrooms different ways: cold, hot, dry, with preliminaryblanching. Usually salt mushrooms, podberozoviki, oilyat, boletus, red, moss, whitewash, mushrooms, podgrigdi, chanterelles and some other varieties of mushrooms. For each variety, one of the ways of pickling is more suitable.

Whichever method of salting mushrooms you choose, before salting it is necessary prepare. Mushrooms are prepared for pickling as well as tocanning. For harvesting for the winter, fresh, newly ripped young mushrooms are suitable without damage or worms. Before picking mushrooms, they need to be sorted, thoroughly washed and cleaned, large mushrooms - cut.

Before pickling mushrooms of some varieties, they need soak, so that their bitterness will go away. Usually soaked freckles, mushrooms and other bitter mushrooms. Mushrooms are soaked in a cool room, changing water several times a day. Properly soaked mushroom is not bitter, its bonnet is easily bent, but it does not break.

For cold salting well suited russules, freckles, mushrooms androzhiki. Rye, mushrooms and freckles before salting should be soaked in cold water for 2-3 days, changing the water every 5-6 hours. You do not need to soak the mushrooms: just simply wash and trim the spine.

You can salt mushrooms in enameled, glass or ceramic ware. Mushrooms are laid down with hats, layers, pouringsalt (1-2 layers of fungi - 1 layer of salt, if the fungi are very small, you can have 3-4 layers of fungi). For 1 kg of mushrooms, 50 g of salt is required (if it is 40 grams of ginger). In addition to salt, you can add spices - dill, black currant leaves, etc.

After laying out the mushrooms, they are covered with gauze or cleanboiled white cloth, and on top put a wooden circle, freely passing into the dishes, on it - light weight. Over time, the mushrooms will settle, then you can add new ones to make the dishes complete. Take care not to appear mold. If this happens, change the cloth and rinse the circle.

After 5-6 days, the fungi will become denser, in the dishes should appear brine. If it is not, you need to increase the load, cover the dishes with a plastic wrap and put it in the cold. Salted mushrooms will be ready in 1-2 months.

Hot salting mushrooms allows you to reduce the time of pickling and fasterget ready mushrooms. In a hot way, you can salt mushrooms of such varieties: white, buttered, honey-mushrooms, podberozoviki, boletus, russula, freckles, valui (valui before salting soak for 2-3 days). It is very important to choose mushrooms of equal ripeness.

To salt the mushroom in a hot way, you need a pickle. For brine preparation need 2 tablespoons. salt and seasoning (1 bay leaf, 3 peppercorns, 3 clove buds, 2 blackcurrant leaves, 5 g of dill, or other spices as desired). All this - per kilogram of mushrooms.

Water should be poured into a saucepan, then add salt,Put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Mushrooms are put in boiling water and boiled, stirring constantly. When the foam appears, it is removed with a noisy, put the spices and cook mushrooms for 10-25 minutes depending on the variety (10-15 for freckles and russules, 15-20 for the vale, 20-25 for the cheesecake and the boletus). Ready mushrooms settle on the bottom, the brine should become transparent.

Ready mushrooms need to be shifted into a wide bowlfor cooling for 1-3 hours, then put in jars, pour salt (30 g per 1 kg of mushrooms) and close. The weight of the brine should not be more than a fifth of the weight of the fungi. After 40-45 days, the salted mushrooms are ready. Store them for up to 9 months at a temperature of no higher than 8 ° C.

You can salt mushrooms dry way. So usually hard mushrooms are salted. They need to be cleaned, cut into thin slices, spread out on grilles or planks and slightly wilted in the sun. After that, the mushrooms are mixed in a pelvis with salt (150-200 g of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms). They should salve well, but do not break. Then mushrooms are densely piled in clean dry jars. There should be no air between the mushrooms. From above on mushrooms it is necessary to pour a thin layer of salt and to close cans with metal covers.

You can salt mushrooms after preliminary blanching. Usually this is done with freckles, russula,serushkami, mushrooms, podgruzdeyami. Mushrooms are cleaned, washed, folded in a colander and dipped in boiling water for 5-8 minutes. Then mushrooms should be quickly cooled under cold running water, put in a bowl and salt (1 kg of mushrooms - 40-50 grams of salt). You can add seasonings - horseradish or parsley root, celery, dill, garlic, cherry or currant leaves. You can eat mushrooms in 7-10 days.

And how do you prefer to pick mushrooms? Share your favorite recipes with our readers!

How to salt mushrooms?
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