How to salt an oil for winter: photo salting recipe

Prepare and prepare oil for the winter the mostin different ways, however the most popular are pickling and salting. Traditionally, it is believed that the difference between pickling and pickling is exclusively in the use of vinegar and some other spices in the first case and the absence of these components in the second. However, this is far from the case, the fact is that you can also salt out in different ways, which are radically different.

Salted oil can be made using two different methods - "cold" and "hot." To begin with, consider a more traditional way - "hot salting".

Hot Salting

Before you can salt the oil, they should becarefully clean, wash and peel on the bonnets. For salting, young, small and dense mushrooms are best suited. However, you can also salivate large and small buttermilk together, for this you just need to cut large into two or four pieces.

For this type of oil salting we need (per 1 kilogram):

  • 1 umbrella of ripe dill,

  • 2 bay leaves,

  • 3 a leaf of a currant,

  • 2 tablespoons of salt,

  • half a glass of water,

  • as well as pepper, cloves and other spices to your liking.

Initially, in a metal enamel warepour in water, add salt and bring to a boil, after which the same pour oil. After repeated boiling, the fire should be reduced and cooked for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. A few minutes before the turn-off, the rest of the spices are added there.

In doing so, note that turn off the fireIt is necessary only at the moment when the pickle is already almost transparent, and the mushrooms themselves begin to settle gradually to the bottom. Further all that needs to be done is to allow the mixture to cool and pack to the banks, and the amount of brine should not exceed 1/5 of the total volume of the billet. Oily, cooked according to this recipe, do not need to roll up - they just cover with dense lids and place in a cool place.

Cold salting

Immediately it is worth mentioning that for this speciesmushrooms, cold salting is rarely used, because it is believed that they are not very suitable for it. This is due to the fact that their structure is fragile enough, in comparison with chanterelles or mushrooms, that is why they are crumbling under the oil press and lose their taste qualities. However, some mushroom pickers prefer this method of harvesting, because it is quite simple and allows salting a large number of mushrooms at once.

For cold salting we need a barrel orsame enamel tank. On its bottom should be laid dry branches of dill, as well as cherry and currant leaves. Washed and peeled mushrooms should be laid out with layers pouring salt so that for each kilogram of mushrooms there were about two tablespoons of salt.

Over the last layer, twigs are again laiddill and cherry leaves. Next, you need to find a wooden cover smaller diameter than our capacity. It is put inside a barrel or a tank, and a load weighing 3-4 kilograms is put on top. Now all preparations are finished, and mushrooms can safely be sent to the cellar.

Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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