We cook chanterelles for the winter

Chanterelles are one of the most delicious and useful mushrooms, so do not miss the opportunity not only to eat them in the mushroom season, but also to prepare chanterelles for the winter. The Country of Soviets will tell you about the methods of harvesting chanterelles.
How to pickle chanterelles for the winter
Salting makes it easy to prepare a large number of chanterelles for the winter. Let's figure it out, how to pickle chanterelles. To begin with, the fungi need to be sorted out: for pickling, intact fungi that need to be cleaned of the accumulated debris, and then rinse thoroughly in running water.
Then chanterelles must be boiled in salt water, adding about 60 grams of salt per liter of water(the amount of water will depend on the number of mushrooms). After bringing the water to a boil, pour in the salt and stir until it is completely dissolved. When the pickle boils, turn off the fire and pour the mushrooms into the pan. Cook the chanterelles, stirring until they settle on the bottom of the pan, and the brine becomes almost transparent.
Boil the chanterelles in a colander and givecool down. Then take the sterilized jars and put them on the bottom of the spice: sweet peppercorns, dill, parsley, currant leaves. Then lay the mushrooms in the layers in layers, each layer of chanterelles with salt (about 30 g of salt for each kg of mushrooms). Banks with mushrooms close and put in a cellar or other cool place for 35-40 days. To mushrooms not formed mold, you can sprinkle them with dry mustard.
Can salted chanterelles for the winter not in jars, but in an enameled pot or bucket. At the bottom of the container for pickling, spice out(leaves of horseradish, oak, cherry, black currant, dill umbrellas, garlic, etc.), then fill the receptacle with chanterelles boiled in salted water, each layer pouring salt. On top put the boiled gauze, on it - oppression. About a month later salty chanterelles will be ready.
How to freeze chanterelles for the winter
Chanterelles can not only be salted, but frozen. Frozen chanterelles can be fried, used to make soups, etc. For freezing, young, strong, undamaged mushrooms are selected. Clean chanterelles from debris, rinse in running water and dry on a napkin or towel. If the mushrooms are large, you can cut them into several pieces before freezing.
Chanterelles can be frozen in raw form, but forreinsurance can be boiled before freezing (only cook for no longer than five minutes - with a long cooking, chanterelles lose flavor). After cooking, always throw the mushrooms in a colander, let them cool and dry. It is best to freeze chanterelles by spreading them on a pallet in one layer. When mushrooms freeze, transfer them to bags or containers and put them in the freezer for storage.
Please note that After defrosting mushrooms can not be frozen repeatedly. Therefore, pack the chanterelles in such a way that the portion of mushrooms can be fully used at a time.
How to dry chanterelles for the winter
Chanterelles are well suited for drying. This method of preparing chanterelles is good in that mushrooms retain their flavor, nutritional properties and nutritional value. For drying, pick out unspoiled mushrooms andgently remove from them the land and debris, but do not wash. Chanterelles dry only hats, so separate them from the knife with a stainless steel knife. Small hats can be dried entirely, large - cutting into several parts.
The fastest way is to dry the chanterelles in the oven at a temperature of 65 degrees or lower, spreading one layer on a baking tray and ensuring an airflow. Correctly dried chanterelles bend, but do not break, slightly spring when bending and do not crumble. To store dried chanterelles is best in a hermetically sealed bag, pouch or jar. Before use, they are soaked in water or broth.
And if you prefer canned mushrooms in cans, be sure to prepare marinated chanterelles for the winter: this is a great appetizer, which can be served both on a daily and on a festive table.