Home spider: care for the pet

Today, modernity is increasingly drawn to exotics. This applies to everything, including pets. The domestic spider has become a popular favorite among extremals. These pets are quite unpretentious, do not require special attention and high costs. But, like any pet, spiders need care.
It is important to choose the right spider, because they are both safe and predatory. Most often, tarantice spiders become domesticated. This spider is a predator, but it has an attractive color and is not too whimsical in care. In addition, their poison is not so dangerous for our health, unlike the famous black widow or karakurt.
It's worth taking seriously to the habitat this insect. The size of the terrarium must correspond to the span of the spider's legs. It is necessary to have a lid, otherwise the house spider will easily get out. Home spiders are single. They do not get along with the congeners and eat them, so every spider needs to be kept in a separate container (with the exception of mating). Depending on the type of spider, you need to pick up the soil for the terrarium. It can be a stone or a wooden bottom. The air temperature in their home is also very important. It must correspond to the natural habitat of these arthropods. The terrarium needs to be constantly heated, so that the house spider feels as comfortable as possible. Just in it you need to put a drinker with clean and fresh water.
The home spider feeds depending on the size. The size of food should not exceed one thirdthe size of the spider. Large can be fed frogs and mice, spiders of smaller sizes prefer insects. It can be cockroaches, flour worms, crickets. In the diet of these pets should not include human food. It should not exceed the size of a spider. All this can lead to various diseases of the animal, even to death.
Despite the external aggressiveness and awesome appearance, the house spider is an impressionable animal. It is desirable to just admire it through the glassterrarium and as little as possible to take in hand. A spider can be frightened and even sick. To communicate with these exotic pets, it is better to use a long tweezers. The same tweezers can be used when cleaning food leftovers in the terrarium.
All attempts at training a spider are hopeless. They can only harm you. The animal can feel danger from your side and bite. As a result - an allergy or inflammation. Over time, the home spider may not respond aggressively to touch, but there is still danger.
To a certain degree spiders can be considered long-livers. A female tarantula spider, for example, lives up to twenty years. She is more hardy than a male, who lives to a maximum of 7 years.
Take care and love your exotic pet, and it will please you as long as possible.
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