How to choose a home simulator?
What if you want to lose weight or just improve your figure, but going to the fitness club has neither the time nor the desire? You can purchase home simulator and do it yourself. But how to choose a suitable simulator from the huge range offered by sports stores? Let's try to figure it out.
Firstly Determine why you need a home simulatorThis will help you choose the right one. type of simulator. Conditionally all simulators are divided into two large groups: cardiovascular equipment and power simulators. Each group serves to achieve certain goals.
Cardiovascular equipment, as is clear from the title, help to strengthencardiovascular system, and those who want to lose weight train on them. These include the well-known to everyone the treadmills and exercise bikes (sikly), as well as elliptical trainers (orbitraki), steppers and rowing machines.
Strength Trainers affect individual muscle groups, theyallow to improve the figure. These home simulators are divided into three large groups: weight-training machines, simulators with built-in weights and free-weight trainers.
Determining why you need a home simulator, and choosing a group, you need critically assess your preferences and your health. Classes on the simulator should bring youpleasure, so do not buy a stepper, if you can not stand the ladder. And the state of health is not less, and even more important than personal preferences, because sports should go to your advantage, and not be to the detriment of. For example, if you have problems with the joints or the spine, a stepper should be preferred to a treadmill.
It is also important to pre-allocate the amount that you are willing to spend on the simulator. Please note that quality home simulator cheaply can not stand. To save is better not on quality, but onadditional "gadgets", which are not all used - timers, pulse sensors, monitors, etc. It is better to choose a base model from a good manufacturer than "stuffed" with all sorts of functions, but at the same time produced incomprehensible where and by whom.
For the same reason buy a home simulator better in a specialized store selling fitness equipment. In such stores the assortment is wider, and the staff is more savvy. Also, when buying in a specialized store, you should not have problems with further maintenance.
Buying a home simulator in the store, be sure to try it in action. If this is a strength training device designed fortraining of different muscle groups, be sure to try to do the exercises for all the major groups. It is important to make sure that the simulator is convenient for you, otherwise it risks dusting in the corner after purchase. Guided by your feelings. If the tension in the muscles is felt during exercising on the simulator, this is normal, but there should not be any stresses in the joints.
If the simulator is of high quality, you should be easy to deal with it, all movements will go "like clockwork." Quality simulators are more safe and durable. Of course, and they will cost a little more expensive, but the quality of the simulator directly depends not only on the effectiveness of training, but also on your safety.
Also when choosing a simulator, its dimensions are important. Determine in advance how much space you are ready forto allocate under home simulator, and be defined with height, length and width of the acquired unit. Modern home exercise equipment and complexes can be quite compact, so you certainly can choose a simulator that fits the dimensions.
When choosing a home simulator, take your time. Still, this is a serious purchase. Carefully inspect and try all models that interest you. Do not hesitate to ask the seller questions - in the end, this is his work. Be sure to find out about the terms of the guarantee (usually its duration is 1 year), the approximate cost of repairs in non-guaranteed cases and the possibility of return within a certain period.
As you can see, choose a home simulator is not too difficult, if you approach it responsibly. And in one of our next articles, we'll dwell a little more on the choice of a power simulator.