Home owls: how to maintain?
Snakes, tarantula spiders, iguanas or, for example,crocodiles - such very exotic representatives can boast of modern owners of pets. And for today at home, they contain owls. Homemade owls are becoming more popular.

Cows are known to be night predators, and therefore domestic owls will be most active in the evening, at night and early in the morning. In addition, the digestive system of owls has a special structure, and feed these birds should live food: field mice, daily chickens, quail.

For home content fit: eared owl, swamp owl, owl (gray,long-tailed), sychiki. Owl must be purchased in the official nursery, because in "bird markets" they sell wild birds caught from nature, and this, at least, is illegal. Owls in the nurseries are ringed, have their own documents: the number of the bird according to the documents and the number on the ring must necessarily coincide. It is best to buy small owls - they can easily get used to captivity.

Yet Before buying an owl you need to take care of proper "equipping" an apartment or house. The best option is to provide the birdspacious aviary, where she can fly freely, because this is vital for owls. If there is no possibility to equip the enclosures, then it is possible to prepare a special room in a special way. In the most extreme cases, owls are kept in cages, but for them it is a serious harm: an owl can easily injure itself on the bars of a close cage when it tries to spread its wings.

So, Preparing the room for the contents of a domestic owl reduces to the following. It is necessary to remove all items that a domestic owl can overturn or spoil. The windows in the room are best curtained with thick enough curtains, because the bird can get entangled in a light tulle or injure itself, trying to fly through the glass. On the walls of the room it is necessary for a domestic owl to make "additives"- special wooden or iron" branches ", which will replace the owl branches of this tree.

Domestic owls eat carcasses of freshly killed rodents, chicks, so content of domestic owls - An occupation not for the faint-hearted. The rodent or chick should be fed to the bird immediately after the slaughter, but there is no need to cut the carcass: the bird must necessarily eat the wool, the feathers and the bones of its victim.

The fact is that for a healthy digestion, a domestic owl must necessarily form redemption: the bird spews up undigested residueseaten animals. That's why, even if the homemade owl has to give pieces of beef or pork instead of rodents, then before the feeding these pieces must be dumped in feathers - to form a puff.

The sizes of "portions" in the diet of a domestic owl depend on its type and size. Thus, for adult owl, 1-2 dailychicken, or 1-2 mice, or half a rat a day. Once a week the birds are satisfied with a "fasting day", not giving them any food at all. Fresh drinking water should always be in the domestic owl's bowl.

Home owls love to swim, so every 2-3 days you need to allow yourThe homemade owl splashes in a wide comfortable pelvis or other suitable container. It is important to remember that the owl sprays water very much during bathing, and that's why swimming should be done where water splashes will not do harm.

Domestic owls are quite complex in care and maintenance, but this does not stop fans of these birds of prey. And if you decide to have a domestic owl in your home, then you should think carefully about whether you are prepared for the difficulties you face.

Home owls: how to maintain?
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