Catfish (or, more scientifically, estrus) isa special mental and physiological state of the animal that occurs during sexual hunting and precedes mating. What does the owner need to know about this cat's condition?
Unlike dogs, the estrus in cats is not accompanied by spotting, but it is still difficult to notice it. During estrus the behavior of the cat changes drastically, in which direction - depends on her temperament. A cat can become more affectionate or vice versa, more aggressive. She starts rubbing against the furniture or legs of the owner, rolling on the floor, calling the cat with a loud purr. If you stroke the cat on the back (closer to the tail), it will fall on the front paws, bend back, lift the pelvis up and pull the tail aside.
Sometimes the estrus in cats is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, rapid urination, a slight swelling of the vulva and transparent secretions. And it also happens that The estrus in cats is practically asymptomatic (so-called "effacement"). Usually this happens if the animal is weakened or obese.
First heat in cats usually occurs at the age of 6-8 months,but the time of the onset of the first estrus in a particular cat is difficult to predict - it depends on many factors. The duration of the estrus and the break between the estrus (interestrus) are also individual for each animal.
The cats' estrus is an absolutely normal physiological condition, signaling the maturation of the egg. Caution should absence of heat for a long period of time or long lingering heat (two weeks or more). The causes of these pathologies can be very different, from improper feeding, nursing and maintenance conditions to hormonal disorders and tumors. Therefore, in case of cycle disorders, the cat needs to be shown to the veterinarian as soon as possible.
Often The estrus in cats gives masters discomfort - changes in behavior can be quiteunpleasant. Loud screams, aggression, attempts to escape from the apartment, often accompanying the process of estrus, can be a source of a lot of problems. What to do in this case?
The natural way to stop the estrus is to bring the cat to the cat. But is it worth it only to ensure a quiet sleep? Despite the fact that the estrus in cats begins at the age of about six months, they are ready for pregnancy for a year and a half. Premature mating can lead to complications in childbirth and even the birth of dead kittens.
But even if the cat is already old enough togive birth, think, what will you do with the kittens? If you have the opportunity to leave them at home or to attach, then, perhaps, it's really worthwhile to tie a cat. But why make an animal give birth only to then drown kittens or throw them outside? It's one thing - if the pregnancy happened by chance, the other - to go for it consciously. And keep in mind that too frequent births undermine the health of a cat.
Some owners give cats to stop heat hormonal drugs that affect the pituitary gland directly. Such drugs can be used once or twice a year,not more often, they are not designed for regular use. Constantly giving the cat hormonal remedies is like drinking an emergency contraceptive like postinor instead of birth control pills. Regular use of hormonal drugs leads to the development of pathologies of the uterus and cancer.
Forever stop estrusification will help sterilization or castration. Sterilization - this is the piping of pipes, because of its low efficiency it is almost never used. Castration - is the removal of the ovaries and uterus surgicalby way of. This operation not only relieves you from problems caused by the behavior of the cat during estrus, but also prevents unwanted pregnancy, pathologies of the uterus and ovaries and will increase the life span of your pet by 1.5-2 years.
Of course, only you decide, to subject a cat to castration - all the same it is a cavitary operation under the generalanesthesia. But in most cases it is much more humane to castrate a cat than to give it hormonal drugs or to give birth several times in a row - a single surgical intervention performed by a qualified doctor is safer than a permanent negative effect on the body.
And remember, despite the fact that the estrus in cats often causes a lot of inconvenience to the owners, You can not scold, punish, lock an animal. A cat behaves this way not because it wants to annoy you, it is inherent in it by nature.