Breeds of cats: Egyptian Mau
Since ancient times the Egyptians revered cats: their images are constantly found by archaeologists on many monuments of architecture. And at the moment, a very large number of cats live among the narrow streets of Cairo. Breed Egyptian Mau has occurred from one of these cats.
"Mau" is an Egyptian word that means "cat". The breed of cats is the Egyptian Mau (or, like themcalled, the Egyptian Mao) appeared quite recently, only in 1956. One of the Egyptian cats was brought to Italy, where she was crossed with a domestic cat. It was these kittens that became the ancestors of this new breed. Cats of the Egyptian Mau breed were first shown at the exhibition in 1957. And only in 1977 this breed was officially registered.
It is said that the modern Egyptian Mau is very similar to those cats who were worshiped in Ancient Egypt. Images of spotty cats, which have always been considered domestic, are often found on the works of ancient Egyptian art.
Egyptian Mau is a very graceful and beautiful cat. She is full of energy and loves to walk for a long time. Since the cat mau is very faithful and affectionate, she can always follow her master. They can even wear a collar with a leash, against which many representatives of this breed do not object at all.
Egyptian Mau is very sociable and does not like being alone. Therefore, the cat of this breed is perfectpeople who spend a lot of time at home. Since the Egyptian Mau is very energetic, she has a muscular, elegant and flexible body. Of course, if it is overfed, it will certainly gain weight. Therefore, carefully monitor the diet of your kitty. By the way, Mau is not very picky in food and suffer from gluttony. Therefore, if you do not restrict them in food, these cats will very quickly become fat.
Egyptian Mau are very smart cats. They are very amenable to education and very obedient. They are also very sociable and like meowing. Egyptian Mau gets on well with children. Also this cat loves to lie on his knees with the owner.
A distinctive feature of the Egyptian Mau is not only a spotted fur coat, which makes it look like a miniature leopard. This is also the so-called "scarab" pattern onhead of a cat. On the forehead of the mau is a figure in the form of the letter "M" and the same inverted pattern in the form of "W" between the ears. In addition, from the eyes to the cheekbones of the Egyptian mau, two long lines diverge. All these marks on the muzzle and head of the cat are a sign of the breed.
Egyptian Mau is not very common in Europe. Most cats of this breed are found inItaly, France, the Netherlands and Germany. In the US, this breed is very popular and loved by many people. In Russia and the CIS countries there are neither nurseries, nor breeders of this breed of cats. Therefore, the mau can only be ordered from the breeders of France, and this is not always the case.
The Egyptian Mau breed has its own standards. Ears - medium size, sometimes with tassels. Eyes - large, widely spaced, have a rounded shape, most often the color of gooseberry. Muzzle stands out with wide cheekbones and has a small rounded chin.
Mau is a medium-sized cat with muscular legs. Very often, the hind legs are slightly shorter than the forelegs. Tail - medium length, with a dark tip. Color Egyptian Mau - only tabby. True, there are three colors of color: bronze, smoky and tin.
It should be noted that the Egyptian Mau is very poorly adapting to the change of seasons. Since the ancestors of this breed have lived all their lives in a hot climate, the Mau is very poorly tolerated by the cold. Watch their health in winter and in the off-season.
Mau is a short-haired breed. Her hair is thin enough. To look after such hair you will not make much work. To make the coat shine, the cat needs to bathe regularly. In addition, special vitamins will be needed, which will help strengthen the teeth and claws of the cat.