Heat in dogs

The estrus in dogs is a normal physiological process, and its absence should be alarming, and not presence. The first estrus in dogs usually occurs at the age of 6-12 months, butsome breeds can occur and in a year and a half, it depends on whether the large breed or small. The heat lasts 20-22 days (maybe up to a month), the intervals between estrus - about six months.
Like the estrus in cats, the estrus in dogs is accompanied by behavioral changes. A dog can become more aggressive oron the contrary - more sluggish. Before the onset of estrus, the dog usually becomes more playful, begins to flirt with the males. Physiologically, the estrus is manifested in swelling of the genitals and bloody discharge. It can be observed frequent urination, some breeds of dog molting before estrus.
The estrus in dogs is divided into three main stages (the specified duration of stages can vary within a couple of days):
Proestrus (1-9 days). There are bloody discharge, the males are already beginning to pay attention to the bitch, but she behaves aggressively and does not admit them. Gradually, she becomes more supportive of attention, but does not allow mating.
Estrus (10-16 days). Allocations from bloody become mucous, translucent. After seeing the dog, the dog takes a pose for mating, pulling the tail aside and pulling the loop. During this period, the dog is ready for fertilization, so if you plan to knit it - it's about time, and if you do not plan - you need to look after it carefully.
Metaestrus (17-20 days). The dog ceases to allow the males to approach themselves, conception is unlikely.
If you do not plan to knit a dog, and sudden pregnancy will be inopportune, during estrus, keep your eyes on the dog, walking with her on the street. You can only walk the dog on a leash: the estrus in dogs affects the behavior of the animal, and even the most obedient dog can escape and not react to the commands. Do not admit dogs to the dog: if the sexual intercourse has already begun, it is almost impossible to separate animals.
At this time it is better not to carry a dog anywhere. Do not let her swim in the water: during the estrus, the canine system of the dog is especially susceptible to all sorts of infections. If the dog spoils furniture with excreta, you can put it on it special panties. But generally, the dog should normally lick itself. In no case should you forbid her to do this! If you put panties on your dog, you should not let her wear them all the time.
Variations in the cycle or irregularities in the process of estrus may cause concern. You should show the dog to the veterinarian if:
the interval between the estrus is less than 5 or more than 10 months;
The estrus lasts more than a month;
the extracts are yellow-green or brown in color;
the dog experiences increased thirst.
In general, if the estrus does not proceed as usual, it is better to be safe and contact the veterinarian.
Is it possible to interrupt the estrus in dogs or postpone its timing? In principle, there are hormonal drugs that can do this. But Use them can be poured in cases of extreme necessity, because they affect the hormonal balance of the dog,but nothing good in this. Contraindications to the intake of hormonal drugs are pregnancy, diabetes, diseases of the reproductive system, tumors of the mammary glands. They should not be given to dogs that have not reached puberty. Before giving the dog a hormonal drug, you should always consult a veterinarian.
If the estrus is too annoying and / or you do not plan to receive offspring from the dog, A safer solution is sterilization. It is better to sterilize the animal once than to fight the consequences of taking hormones and unrealized sexual instincts.