Parrots of RosellansParrots of Rosellans - inhabitants of distant Australia. But today, these bright beautiful birds can be found in our latitudes as well - parrot lovers gladly contain rosettes at home. How to care for Rosella? What to feed these parrots? A few useful recommendations will give the country councils.

Rosella grow from 25 to 35 cm in length, for themcharacterized by a wide stepped tail, which has 4 central feathers of the same size. On the cheeks of Rosella there is a large white, yellow or blue spot, on the supraclue there is a notch. This genus of parrots includes 6 species:

  • Blednova Rosella (Platycercus adscitus)

  • Green Rosella (Platycercus caledonicus)

  • Red Rosella (Platycercus elegans)

  • Variegated Rosella (Platycercus eximius)

  • Yellow-cheeked Rosella (Platycercus icterotis)

  • Blackhead Rosella (Platycercus venustus)

  • Collar rosette (Platycercus zonarius)

At home, motley parrots, also called ordinary, easternrosella or just rosella. Variegated parrots Rosella is so popular due to its bright "rainbow" color and unpretentiousness. These birds have a calm temper.

Parrots of Rosella badly tolerate dampness, so They need to be kept in fairly dry rooms (relative air humidity 50-70%). These birds should be able to take sun baths or hide in the shade - at their request. The premises in which the rosella are kept should be well ventilated, and the optimum temperature for rosella is 20-22 ° C. In winter, birds may need an artificial increase in the duration of the day (up to 16-18 hours), so you need to take care also of lighting.

It is best to keep the rosette in spacious enclosures, but with a lack of free space, you canuse to keep rosettes and cells. The size of the cage should be at least 150x70x70 cm. It is recommended to use a cage with a pull-out bottom - and to clean the cage is more convenient, and the bird does not have to bother too often. The cell tray is lined with sawdust or clean river sand.

The distance between the rods of the cage should be about 2 cm. It is important to make sure when choosing a cage for parrots that it is not painted with paints containing lead. Lead is a poison for birds.

In the cage for rosettes are installed perches. Their diameter should be such that rozells do notThey could completely grasp their fingers with their paws. To make perches are best of straight, smooth, not peeled from the bark, branches of oak, birch, beech. The perches are fixed at some distance from the grid so that the rosella do not touch the grid with the tail. It is good to place the perches so that the bird needs to flap its wings several times to move between them - this "warm-up" is useful for it.

Parrots of Rosellas love to swim, therefore, in addition to the feeder and drinking bowls, whichBy the way, it is not recommended to put too close to each other, in the cage for rosella should also place a bath - a container about 20 cm in diameter, almost to the brim filled with water. Feeders and drinkers tend to be hanging. The cage is removed as contamination, the troughs and drinking bowls are washed with hot water after use.

Rosella feed mainly on plant seeds. For them, an ordinary grain mixture foraverage parrots - this is the basis of the diet. In addition Rosella is fed fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits. From time to time in the diet, also add animal food, for example, chopped chicken eggs, cottage cheese, milk, pupae and insect larvae. Rosellas also need calcium and phosphorus - these elements are contained in crushed shell, eggshell. The norm of the grain mixture per day for rosella is 2 tablespoons. Part of the feed can be given to rosella in a soaked form.

Parrots Rosella quickly get used to the person, if you acquire these birds at a young age. Rosella screams quite rarely and can quite easily learn a few simple words. To other birds parrots rosella are not very friendly and contain rosella with other species of parrots is not recommended.

Parrots of Rosella live in captivity on average 20-25 years. Buying a rozelle, it is necessary to carefully weighall "for" and "against", because such a long period of life for these birds implies the same long regular care and care. Do not rush with the acquisition of Rosella, if there is no certainty that the parrot will be provided with the proper comfort.

Parrots of Rosellans
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