Fractures in dogsFractures in dogs are quite common, and they can be caused by a variety of factors, both internal and external.

In particular, internal factors includea variety of serious diseases, metabolic disorders and the appearance of tumors in the bone tissue - all this can lead to a fracture of the paw bone y or any other.

However, despite their seriousness, suchfractures occur much less frequently than in cases of external action. Among the external factors, the most frequent are blows, falls and other traumatic effects.

How to determine the fracture in a dog?

Before starting treatment and careanimal, you should make sure that it really needs it. The simplest way to determine a fracture in a dog is to feel the place of the alleged injury.

In the event that there is an abnormalbone mobility, swelling, often painful, or deformity - this is definitely a fracture. In some cases, obvious external signs may not appear, but your pet can change the behavior caused by a violation of body functions.

He may refuse to eat orpainfully respond to touching the injured place, behave restlessly or vice versa - sluggishly. In all these cases, it's best not to hesitate and go to a veterinary clinic where you can take an X-ray of a damaged bone.

The most common type of injury in puppies andadult dogs - fractures of limbs and tail. Despite the fact that these fractures are painful enough, they are treated relatively easily and in most cases everything that is required for this - peace and care for the pet.

Much more serious is the situation with fracturesskull, pelvis or spine, these are very serious injuries that often lead to death or irreversible consequences, and therefore require urgent treatment. In turn, the risk of fracture of the ribs in dogs is the complexity of their diagnosis and the high probability of damage to the splinters of internal organs.

Fractures in dogs

Treatment of fractures of limbs in dogs

Thus, the treatment of fractures in dogs shouldconsist of several stages: the identification of trauma, the provision of pre-hospital care and treatment in the veterinary clinic. In most cases, the owner can not help his pet on his own in fractures of the pelvis, spine or skull.

Therefore, the correct solution in this situationit will simply process the wounds, if any, and deliver the animal to the clinic at the maximum speed. As for the fractures of the paws and tail in dogs, even an unprepared person can do quite a lot here. As an example, consider a closed fracture of the hind leg of a dog.

In this case, it is necessary to localize the injury and, if possible, to limit the movement of the animal as much as possible. In order to alleviate the condition of the pet, it can also be given painkillers.

After this, it is best to ask for helpspecialist. If it is not possible to do it in the shortest possible time, it is recommended that a damaged paw be applied, a kind of tire is inserted from a small amount of cotton wool and some stiff material, for example, cardboard.

With an open fracture, first of all, it is necessary to stop the blood by applying a dressing, then treat the wound with antiseptic means and cover it with a clean cloth.

After providing such first aidit is recommended to deliver the animal to the veterinarian as quickly as possible, as the longer you pull it, the more serious the consequences for your pet.

Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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