Demodecosis in dogs
Demodecosis in dogs Is a parasitic disease, the causative agentwhich is the mite Demodex canis. This is a fairly common disease, which sooner or later every dog owner can face. What should I do if your dog is sick with demodicosis?
Demodex mites are present in small amounts in the hair follicles, sebaceous glands and on the skin of almost all healthy dogs, but normally do not cause diseases. Usually demodicosis in dogs develops against a background of decreased immunity. Most often demodectic are sick young dogs inage from six months to two years (the so-called juvenile demodecosis in dogs). In adult dogs, demodicosis can develop as a result of a weakening of the body associated with diseases, estrus, pregnancy, or lactation.
In a healthy state, the immune system of the dogcontrols the number of mites, so fully healthy dogs do not get demodectic. If the immune system is weakened for some reason, the mites begin to multiply intensively, and demodectic disease occurs. Demodecosis of dogs is not transmitted to humans and other animals - this kind of ticks Demodex parasitizes only on dogs. Human demodecosis is caused by another kind of ticks.
What are the main symptoms of this disease? Usually demodecosis in dogs is characterized bybald spots, most often in the region of the head and paws (sometimes between the fingers). Skin blushes, itching may occur, but not always. Low-fat flakes can form. This so-called localized demodicosis, in which no more than five skin lesions are affected (with the paws between the toes injured, only one paw).
Generalized demodicosis Is a more serious form of the disease. It can develop from a localized one. Adult animals are subject to generalized demodicosis. With this form of the disease, more than five skin areas are affected (with the paws affected between the fingers - two or more paws). The skin is bald, flaky, crusts and pustules can form. In addition to actual skin damage, depression, loss of appetite, and exhaustion can be observed. Generalized demodicosis in dogs can be accompanied by a bacterial or fungal infection.
Noticing the dog's first signs of demodicosis, you need to take her to the vet. He will take scraping from the skin, to determine whether your dog has demodicosis, and not another skin disease, and will prescribe appropriate treatment.
Usually demodicosis in dogs is treated in a complex way. It is necessary not only to save the animal from ticks, butand normalize the skin, improve hair growth, restore the immune system to normal. Localized demodecosis in young dogs usually passes by itself for a couple of months.
Generalized demodecosis in dogs is treated with the help of antiparasitic drugs (Acaricides - drugs designed to combatmites). Among the most commonly used drugs are amitrazine, ivermectin, ivomek, permethrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin and the like. These drugs are available in a variety of dosage forms: aqueous emulsions, aerosols, oil solutions. Some drugs are administered orally or in the form of subcutaneous injections.
However, dog owners should remember that ivermectin and the preparations in which it is contained (for example, ivomek) are absolutely contraindicated to some breeds of dogs, in particular, collies, bobtails, bull terriers, sharieans, shelties and their squares. All these rocks are highly susceptible to ivermectin.
In addition, patients with demodicosis are prescribed dogs immunostimulants as maintenance therapy. Together with immunostimuljatorami usually appoint or nominate antihistamines (eg, dimedrol or suprastin). If demodicosis in dogs is complicated by a bacterial or fungal infection, antibiotics. But it should be borne in mind that many antibiotics depress the animal's immune system - it leaves a kind of vicious circle.
With proper treatment, demodicosis in dogs takes place in a few months. But Even if the dog seems completely healthy, you can not stop treatment without the permission of a veterinarian. Demodecosis in dogs is considered cured if intwo series of scrapings, carried out at intervals of one month, no tick will be found. If you arbitrarily terminate treatment ahead of time, you can remission of the disease.