Dysplasia in dogs

Dysplasia of the joints in dogs is caused only by a genetic predisposition to this disease. About 15 years ago, this problem wasfight and cull animals. They were not put to sleep, just such dogs did not participate in the further development of a good genotype of this or that breed. But at the moment breeders very rarely pay attention to dysplasia, so this genetic predisposition is often found in thoroughbred dogs.
Dysplasia in dogs can develop due to malnutrition. It is proved that the unbalanced ratiocalcium and phosphorus in the dog's diet, dry food and too much meat can trigger the development of dysplasia. In addition, you should carefully monitor the weight of the dog. Excess weight will only aggravate the development of dysplasia.
Dysplasia in dogs is diagnosed most often at the age of 12-18 months. Excess loads on the animal lead to the fact that the joints in dogs begin to break down. The destruction of joints leads to the lameness of the animal, which can manifest itself at the age of two years.
In addition, dysplasia can manifest itself with various symptoms even at a young puppy's age. Even if your dog does not limp, it is notmeans that she does not develop dysplasia. Just the wrong development and articulation has not yet led to lameness. So, if the dog can lie on its stomach with its hind legs spread out in different directions, "rabbit" running (when the animal pushes at the same time with two hind legs during running) and fast fatigue can serve as the first signs of development of dysplasia.
It also happens that at the age of 4-5 months, when the hind legs of the dogs are not yet strong, they diagnose joint dysplasia. In this case it is not necessary to leave treatmentdysplasia for later, when the puppy reaches 12 months of age. Already at this time you need to help the dog. If you leave the puppy without medical care, dysplasia will lead to the development of osteoarthritis in the dog.
It is necessary to say separately that the treatment of hip dysplasia does not give a 100% result. There are only drugs and various drugstherapy, which will help to stop the development of dysplasia. There are medicines-hondoprotectors, which can be injected into the vein or joint of the animal. In the animal's joint, the drug can be administered only by a doctor, so do not try to inject yourself.
When joint dysplasia is also prescribed physiotherapy. This includes heating the joints with paraffin or ozocerite. Also within the framework of physiotherapy, the pain of the dog's joint can be affected by laser and electromagnetic radiation.
Veterinarians recommend giving dogs supplementation containing glucosamine and chondroetin. Dysplasia in dogs will not develop very quickly if the animal receives the above substances. Therefore, such feeding is very important in the diet of dogs.
Some veterinarians can prescribe a Rimadyl. In this case, it is worth mentioning that thisthe drug is only an analgesic, but it does not stop the development of dysplasia. Rimadyl only removes symptoms, but does not eliminate the disease itself.
Note that a genetically predisposed dog can not be physically overloaded. Do not make her run for longDistance for a bicycle or "harnessing" in a sled in the winter to roll children. You should also carefully monitor the weight of the dog. Sometimes, the owners tend to reduce the amount of protein in the dog's food and increase the level of carbohydrates, thus preventing the body of the young dog from developing. This is fundamentally wrong. Better give the dog a balanced diet and watch her weight.
Remember that completely dysplasia in dogs can only be corrected surgically. The use of expensive prostheses will help the dog lead a long and happy life.