Breeds of dogs: American SpitzSpitz is a group of breeds of dogs that differlength, thick and often white hair, as well as pointed ears and muzzle. The most famous varieties of Spitz are, perhaps, the German Spitz and the Pomeranian Pomeranian. But there are other less well-known breeds of Spitz and Spitz dogs. These include American Spitz.

American Eskimo Spitz (American Spitz, Eskimo Spitz) Is a small breed of dogs. Despite its name, this breed has nothing to do with Alaska and the Eskimos, it was bred from the German Spitz, so its origin is European. It is possible that the American Spitz is also related to the Samoyed dog. Initially, American spitz in America called the German Spitz because of anti-German sentiments during the First World War.

However, at present, breed standards vary, despite the fact that both breeds are very similar to each other and closely related. However, it is worth considering that breed American Eskimo Spitz is not recognized by the IFF. In general, this breed was recognized by the dog clubs of America and Canada.

American Spitz is a small dog with thick white hair. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC) standard, there is three growth varieties of the Eskimo Spitz:

  • standard: 15-19 inches (38.1-48.3 cm);

  • miniature: 12-15 inches (30.5-38.1 cm);

  • That: 9-12 inches (22.9-30.5 cm).

Originally, the American Spitz was displayed as a guard dog, but now it is often planted as a companion dog. And at the beginning of the 20th century, after the First World War, American Eskimo Spitz was a popular circus dog. Many modern American Spitz are the descendants of those same circus dogs.

it smart, brave, attentive playful dog with a charming character, which is sincerely attached to its ownerand members of his family. Eskimo Spitz is fine with children. They are wary of strangers, but they should not be afraid of them. But if the owner introduces the dog to this person, making it clear that this is a friend, the American Spitz will cease to fear and show its friendliness.

Due to the fact that American Eskimo Spitz - very intelligent and hardworking dogs, seeking to please the owner, they are easy enough to train. It is necessary to engage in the education of a dog from an early age, since American spitzmen need early socialization.

This dog breed needs a confident and consistent owner. If you let the dog think that the master isyou will have to learn about behavior problems such as nervousness, self-will, constant barking, etc. Normally, this behavior for American Spitz is not typical, it is the result of incorrect education or total absence.

The American Spitz needs enough physical and mental activity. In the absence of such a dog can becomehyperactive. In addition, lack of physical activity can lead to obesity - this is a fairly common problem among Eskimo Spitz. Therefore, the dog needs active walks and classes. Usually the American Eskimo Spitz has a liking for training obedience and agility. It is also important to follow the diet of the dog.

Luxurious thick fleece hair needs regular care. Always keep it clean, at leasttwice a week cleaning with a special brush. Regularly conduct fur treatment from fleas - these parasites can cause the dog to have dermatitis. With good care, the life expectancy of American Eskimo Spitz is about sixteen years.

Breeds of dogs: American Spitz
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