Complexes of men
Quite often, men are considered strong inpsychological, but this does not mean that it really is. Men are subject to a variety of complexes no less than women, and in some cases even more. Let's talk about the most common complexes of men.

For some reason it is considered that women are moremen are concerned about how they look in the eyes of others (meaning both appearance and behavior). But in this aspect the difference between men and women is not so great: fears are the same, they just show up in different ways. And the complexes of men strong sex masks hypertrophied self-confidence.

Take, for example, Napoleon complex, one of the most famous men's complexes. As you know, Napoleon was small, but more than offset this lack of his grandiose ambitions. Men suffering from the complex of Napoleon ... However, no, "suffering" - a somewhat incorrect formulation. They do not suffer from it, others suffer. Especially those that are lower in status (for example, subordinates), but higher in height. An envious man with a complex of Napoleon trebs high subordinates doubly - out of envy.

Another aspect of the appearance that breedscomplexes of men, is a bald spot. For men, baldness is a sign of old age, and when you are old, you are weak and no one needs. Logical arguments (like the fact that the bald spot is a sign of a high level of testosterone and, accordingly, masculinity) they do not heed. Fear of men bald pours out in Kotovsky complex. This commander of the Red Army was not famousonly by their exploits, but also by the radical hairdress "under a zero". Men with Kotovsky's complex shave their nails, because ... they are afraid of baldness! If they shave themselves, no one will know that old age sneaks up on them. Lysina ceases to be a "bug" and becomes a "feature", so to speak.

With the fear of aging, other complexes of men are connected, for example, retirement complex. And he develops a few years beforeretirement, at the age of about fifty years. Men of this age can try to take on themselves the same workload as their young colleagues, and even more to prove to themselves and others that "there is still gunpowder in the flasks." Although in fact, age makes itself felt and hints that it's time to slow down, men with a retiree complex are not psychologically ready to understand and accept this.

Some (and, if frank, many)complexes of men are related to the sexual sphere and the sphere of relations (these two spheres are closely interconnected, so that they can not be separated). For example, a man who changes women, like gloves, may suffer the Don Juan complex. The basis of this complex is man's fearabandoned. A man thinks that it's embarrassing to be abandoned by a woman, so she always throws her first until she "humiliated" her (she probably did not intend to live happily with a man for a long time and die in one day, but fear is illogical and irrational).

Is there some more complex of impotence, which is a kind of vicious circle. Most men are afraid to fail in bed: the potency for them is a symbol of the masculine, and failure in the sexual sphere calls into question their very masculinity. Even if everything is normal in their sexual life, fear is still present. Doubts in their own consistency lead to experiences, experiences - to failure in bed. Failure fuels doubts, and everything is repeated anew. Men do not want to realize that it is impossible to be "always ready", and pre-adjust themselves to failure.

Of course, this is not all the complexes of men: there is still a set of lost time ("I'm already 30 ... 40 ..., but I have not achieved anything yet"); complex of the chief (fear of being in the position of a subordinate); Lot's complex (fear of losing a daughter when she has a beloved man); complex of Hercules (fear of doing women's work); Alexander's complex (the fear of looking like a homosexual in the eyes of other men); inferiority complex; Oedipus complex. The main snag is that in most cases, men refuse to recognize their complexes, and after all the decision of a problem always begins with its comprehension.

Complexes of men
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