The dimple on the chin is important for women and men

Each person's appearance is unique andindividual, like his character. Someone has freckles, someone has a dimple on his cheeks. Each facial feature can not only serve as a distinctive feature, but also speak about the character of a person. The dimple on the chin is a small depression in the skin that appears from birth. Many owners of this "zest" do not even assume that it means something, can tell a lot about the habits, behavior and preferences of a person.

What is the hole on the chin?

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the fact thatmeans each of the facial features, because they believed that they affect the life of a person and his actions (astrology also gives some answers). Now the study of the individual features of a person's face is called physiognomy.

There is such a legend that in ancient China wasThe head of the throne is identified only in the shape of his forehead. The chin in Asian philosophy is given special attention. It is generally accepted that this part of the person determines not only the character, but also the potential of the person, his destiny and life in general.

The recess on the chin has a different meaning inculturology of the countries of the world. In most, the pit means that its owner is a kind and enterprising person and can not live without a smile. In medicine, this feature is regarded as insufficient development of connective tissues or the individual structure of the bones of an innate character.

The dimple on the chin is important for women and men

Anatomy: the appearance of a dimple is possible at the junction of the muscles with a deep layer of skin. This distinctive sign in humans is observed on the cheeks, and on the back, and on the elbows: that is, where the tissue that connects the skin with the bones is not sufficiently developed. Often you can see pits on the surface layers of the epidermis in the places of accumulation of the fat layer. This dimple can have a little girl and an adult.

Many wonder why a hole appearedon the chin not from birth, but in the adult state. The thing is that this sign can be transmitted genetically (it does not matter in what generation), and some manifest only with age.

What is the dimple of a man saying?

The considered genetic sign is muchspeaks about the nature of men. The willed chin with a dimple indicates goodwill and understanding, as well as masculinity. If a guy has a dimple, then you can say for sure that he is determined, has fighting qualities, but at the same time, he is a very affectionate and loving young man. The presence of a fossa on the chin of an aged man speaks of temperament, a desire to be always in the center of attention, popular with women.

The dimple on the chin is important for women and men

Why the opposite sex is so attracted to menwith a similar genetic feature? It's all about external charm: this "zest" adds mystery and touchingness. People are more attracted to others around themselves due to this physiological feature.

Despite the widespread belief thatrepresentatives of the stronger sex with a pit are able to easily take complex decisions, are ready to take responsibility for everything and for all, and in extreme situations act with maximum prudence and a "cold" head.

Note! Physiognomy defines men with this genetic sign as temperamental and loving. Therefore, it is very difficult for such a person to be faithful to just one woman. Lack of attention to girls, he does not feel.

The dimple on the chin is important for women and men

Among the male celebrities is enoughmany people with a pretty nice feature in the field of the chin can be convinced of this by looking at photos of "stars". The most famous are actor Brad Pitt, John Travolta, Michael Douglas and many others. other actors and actresses (source: Wikipedia)

What is a dimple on the chin of a woman?

Little is known of the fact that the dimple thatvisible on the girl's chin and talking about her goodwill, also shows unpredictability in actions, as well as making spontaneous decisions. The nature of the girl with this sign is distinguished by determination and will power. A woman can be quick-tempered and even aggressive, she is enraged, has sexuality, there is always a mystery in her. At the same time, they quickly forgive the offense and are rather quick-witted. Calm family life can only be if a man in many ways forgives his wife her excessive selfishness and unpredictability. A girl who copes with her principles and ambitions can make her marriage long and happy.

The most famous representatives of the beautifulsexes that have a similar "zest" are: Sandra Bullock, Angie Hermon, Sophia Loren, Adele, and Emily Blunt. Each of them is very beautiful and individual, and a nice feature on the face adds brightness and attractive mystery.

The dimple on the chin is important for women and men

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