Tasty soup made from young nettles with egg, sorrel, meat and meat - a simple recipe with a photo step by step
After a cold winter, our body is particularly keenneeds vitamins. One of the first spring greens, the use of which is difficult to overestimate in this regard, is nettle. For most of us, this plant causes an exceptionally persistent association from childhood about severe burning after a "walk" through the nettle. Meanwhile, the curative properties of nettle was well known to our ancestors, who with pleasure used a burning plant not only in folk medicine, but also in cooking. For example, they prepared a soup of nettles, a recipe for which was necessarily in every hostess. Up to now, mostly recipes have come for meat broth with egg, sorrel or spinach. Also popular are light and simple dietary soup from young nettles without meat. Learn how to brew a delicious soup of nettle leaves from step-by-step recipes with photos and videos on.
Quick nettle soup - simple recipe with photo step by step
Let's start with a quick and simple soup recipe fromnettle with turn-based photo. At the heart of this spring vitamin dish vegetable broth. But if you want to decorate a quick nettle soup for a simple recipe with a photo below you can boiled chicken or eggs.
Necessary ingredients for quick nettle soup for a simple recipe
leaves of nettle - 350-400 gr.
potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
onion 1 pc.
garlic-2 denticles
green onion
salt and pepper to taste
Step-by-step instruction for a simple recipe for quick nettle soup
Preparing this nettle soup is reallyvery quickly - 15 minutes and a fragrant and mega-useful first course is ready. We start with cleaning vegetables, nettles are not touched. Peeled potatoes cut into small cubes, onions and garlic mode finely.
We put a pot of salted water on the fire and send the prepared vegetables there. We put on gloves and my nettle leaves. Then finely chop the leaves.
When the vegetable soup boils, we remove the foam andwe add nettles. At this stage, if desired, you can add chopped green onions and parsley. But even without these ingredients, the soup can turn out very tasty.
After the soup boils, stirring, cook more10 minutes, pepper. We try vegetables and grass for readiness and remove from the fire. With the help of a submerged blender we turn liquid soup into soup-puree and serve it on the table with sour cream.
A simple recipe for soup made from young nettles without meat at home
The next version of the soup of young nettles withoutmeat at home can also be attributed to simple recipes. But it is prepared a little longer due to the additional stage of cooking the classic roast. You will find a simple soup recipe from a young nettle without meat at home below.
Essential ingredients for a simple soup recipe from young nettles without meat
Nettle young and juicy - 450 gr.
potatoes - 3 pcs.
onions - 1 pc.
carrots -1 pc.
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Instructions for a recipe for soup from young nettles without meat at home
To prepare nettle soup for any recipe, only the top young leaves are suitable. In my gloves and cut quite a little melon nettle.
We clean potatoes, onions and carrots. Potato tubers cut into small cubes, chop the onions very finely, carrots three. Parsley is also finely shredded.
We put a pot of potatoes and salted water on the fire.
Cooking roast: fry onion oil and carrots until golden, salt and pepper.
When the water in the saucepan starts to boil, add the onion-carrot fry, we interfere. We remove the foam with a foam.
Cook on medium heat for 5 minutes and add nettle and parsley. We stir and continue to cook until the potatoes are ready.
Ready soup is served with sour cream or mayonnaise.
Delicious nettle soup with egg on meat broth - step by step recipe
The next step-by-step recipe for a delicious soup fromNettle with egg is cooked on meat broth. In principle, for this recipe you can take any meat, but the ideal option, which does not weigh down a light spring soup, will be chicken. Read more on how to make a delicious nettle soup with an egg on a meat broth in a step-by-step recipe below.
Essential Ingredients for Delicious Nettle Soup with Eggs on Meat Broth
nettle - 350 gr.
fillet of chicken - 150 gr.
eggs - 3 pcs.
potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
onions - 1 pc.
vegetable oil
Step-by-step instruction for a delicious nettle and egg soup on a meat broth
My file and remove the film and veins. We cut it into small cubes and, together with potatoes of the same size, we send them to a pot of water. We add salt and cook until boiling over the average time from time to remove the foam.
Carrots and onions are crushed in a blender or chopped into small pieces. On vegetable oil, fry vegetables until golden onions. Solim, pepper.
My nettle, we fill it with boiling water and chop it. In the boiling broth we first adjust the vegetable fry, and then the nettle.
Reduce fire and cook until ready for meat and potatoes.
Eggs cook hard-boiled, cool and clean. Cut in half and decorate the halves of eggs with a plate of prepared soup.
Green soup from sorrel and nettle with egg - step by step recipe
With regard to the nettle soup, the more greens,all the better. Therefore, the green soup of sorrel and nettle with egg from the step-by-step recipe is furthermore ideal in this respect. In addition to sorrel and nettle in this green soup with egg, you can also add parsley, dill, spinach.
Necessary ingredients for green nettle soup and sorrel with egg
nettle - 250 gr.
sorrel - 250 gr.
green onions - 1 beam
onion - 1 pc.
carrots -1 pc.
large potatoes - 2 pcs.
eggs - 3 pcs.
Step-by-step instruction for the recipe of green soup from sorrel, nettle and egg
All my greens and finely chopped. Vegetables are cleaned and cut into cubes.
In boiling salted water we send first vegetables - potatoes, onions, carrots.
After 10 minutes after the vegetables send all the chopped greens.
We stir and cook until the potatoes and carrots are ready.
Eggs cook hard-boiled and finely chopped.
2 minutes before the end of cooking soup, add eggs and mix. With a pepper, we take off the prepared dish from the stove.
Delicious nettle soup with spinach without meat - simple step-by-step recipe
Spinach also perfectly complements the nettle and is goodSuitable for recipes of simple vegetable soups without meat. To make the soup more rich, use a large amount of greens. How to make a delicious nettle soup with spinach without meat in a simple recipe further.
Necessary ingredients for a delicious nettle and spinach soup without meat
nettle - 300 gr.
spinach - 300 gr.
onion green - 150 gr.
potatoes - 2 pcs.
onion 1 pc.
Instructions for a simple recipe for a tasty nettle soup and spinach without meat
Wash greens and finely chop.
Cubes of potatoes and chopped onion to send in a pan with boiling water, salt.
When the broth boils add spinach, nettle and green onion, stirring to cook for 10 minutes.
Pepper and remove from heat.
Using a blender, turn the soup into a smoothie and serve with sour cream.
Original soup of young nettle with meat - step by step recipe, video
Want to try the original nettle soup(a recipe with meat)? Then see the next step-by-step video. In it you are waiting for a completely nonclassical version of the soup of nettles with oxbowl, spinach or egg. And let the simple original soup of young nettles with meat from the video below can not be called. But after trying this dish any of your guests wonder how you can cook this yummy!