Sealant for bathroom

Hermetic for the bathroom is good because it very well covers all the seams and cracks, in which mold can live. In the future, remove the mold will be almost impossible, so you have to think about your health in advance. The very same mold appears because of the high humidity in the bathroom. Even the slightest leakage or the formation of condensation on the pipes greatly increase the humidity in the bathroom. A combination of high humidity and warm air is the best condition for the development of mold.
Mold in the bathroom not only spoils the appearance of the room. It very often becomes the reasonthe occurrence of allergies or the appearance of respiratory diseases. In asthmatics, black mold provokes new attacks. That is why it is very important that the mold in the bathroom does not develop in any way.
Any joints between the bathroom and the wall or near pipes should be treated with sealant. At the moment, there are varioussealants, with which you can firmly seal the seams on any surface. To seal joints in the bathroom use silicone and acrylic sealants.
Silicone bath sealant is the most popular. Due to its reliability and durability, thisThe sealant is ideal for use in rooms with high humidity. Silicone sealant can be of different colors. But the most popular are white and transparent silicone.
It should be remembered that there is acid and neutral silicone sealants. Acidic sealants are used when working withwood, ceramics or plastic. Neutral silicone sealant does not have such a sharp acidic odor as acidic. It is neutral sealants used to seal seams in the bathroom or repair sanitary ware.
Acrylic sealant is also great for sealing any joints or cracks in the bathroom. To work in the bathroom should takeWaterproof sealant, which will withstand high humidity. By the way, waterproof acrylic sealant for the bathroom also perfectly withstand temperature changes.
Do not forget that Acrylic and silicone sealants are used for various purposes. So, for sealing large cracks bestuse acrylic sealant. But small seams should be sealed with silicone sealant. Also, remember that the acrylic sealant is not as durable as silicone, so it will have to be updated after a while.
But even despite its resilience, Silicone sealant for the bathroom can not always resist the appearance of mold on it. At the seams with time will appear black mold, which will be very difficult to remove.
To prevent this from happening again, always check the ventilation system. Most likely, your problem with the appearance of mold will be eliminated. But if the mold started to appear again on the seams, they will have to be replaced.
With a knife, carefully remove the old sealant layer andTreat the surface of the walls and bath with any bactericide that is sold in the pharmacy. To avoid the re-occurrence of mold, it is best to take advantage of sanitary silicone sealant, which has an antifungal effect.
A quality expensive bathroom sealant will serve you much longer than a relatively cheap product. When choosing a sealant, pay attention not to the manufacturer. A proven manufacturer always produces good quality products, so as not to spoil your reputation.