Interior of the room for the boyIn the famous children's song it is sung that the girlsmade of "sweets and cakes, from sweets of all kinds", and boys - "from thorns, shells and green frogs." Usually, this difference is reflected in the interior of children's rooms. Of course, to some extent this is a stereotype - not every girl will like a pink bedroom, and not every boy will be delighted with wallpapers with airplanes. But still in most cases interior room for a boy will differ from the interior of the room for the girl.</ p>

Of course, the choice of interior design will depend on the age of the boy, his tastes and preferences (which can not be ignored in the interior design of the children's room), but several general trends you can trace.

So, usually The interior of the room for the boy is designed in calm colors. The shades of blue, green,brown, sometimes black, gray, beige, white. Of course, there are exceptions - brighter rooms, but the general trend is still quiet shades. It's not even a matter of sex, just the children's room is for the child and the bedroom, and the office, he spends most of his time in it, so it's no surprise that bright colors begin to "crush" over time.

The interior of the room for the boy should be primarily functional, and then already beautiful. This does not mean that boys do not care about the aesthetic side of interior design - just the functionality for them is still more important. It is necessary to provide cabinets and boxes for the "treasure" of your son: toys, various details, comic books - a set of "wealth" will depend on the child's hobbies. Furniture should be functional: for example, a folding sofa with drawers for laundry, a comfortable and unusual chair-bag.

Very important Do not overload the room with furniture and accessories: this will make cleaning difficult. First, boys (and girls too) can be difficult to get out of the room, and the abundance of knickknacks from which to dust, will even more hamper the hunt for harvesting. Secondly, you can be sure that your son will fill the room with very necessary things, which will be more important for him and more interesting than design trinkets that perfectly fit in the interior.

Interior of the room for the boy Interior of the room for the boy

Furniture and decoration materials should not be too small if possible - or easy to wash. In the boy's room, a stormy activity usually boils, sex, wallpaper, furniture can become a victim. So it's better to immediately choose high-quality (albeit more expensive) materials, than then eliminate the effects of "creative experiments" and paste the wallpaper or perestilat laminate.

The interior of a room for a boy usually reflects his interests, especially this is true for teenage boys. What interests your son? Sports, music, technology? Perhaps he has a favorite singer or superhero? All this must be taken into account when planning the interior of a room for a boy. Do not try to act blindly - better ask your son directly. First, he will be pleased that his opinion is interested. Secondly, in this room he will live, not you, so she should like him first of all.

In such cases, the best yield is often themed interior rooms for the boy. You can, for example, decorate a room in a military style, with wallpaper khaki, bed linen camouflage colors and models of aircraft on the shelves. You can make a musical, pirate, sports interior. But if your son changes his tastes and hobbies too often, the thematic room may not be the best option - the passion will pass, and the interior design will weigh on the boy.

In general, when planning the interior of a room for a boy, one should not rely on stereotypes about boys and girls, but on personal tastes and preferences of your child. Only then the interior will be successful and guaranteed to please your son.

Interior of the room for the boy
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