Stained glass in the interior with their own hands
Do you want to decorate your apartment with your own hands? There is nothing easier! Today, all interested persons are available various decorating techniques and everyone can feel like a designer. Undoubtedly, one of the most beautiful elements of the decor is the stained-glass window. Stained glass can decorate both the cabinet doors, and interior doors, as well as various partitions.

The real stained glass is made from pieces of coloredglass, framed in a metal frame. However, buying a finished stained glass window or making it to order is very expensive. Therefore, today the Country of Soviets offers you several ways to make stained glass by yourself!

Method number 1

This method involves the production ofactually a stained-glass window, and a pseudo-dressing - very similar imitation. The first thing you need is, of course, a sketch. You can draw a sketch yourself or use a stencil. The sketch is made on paper, in color.

Next, on the finished sketch, you should put the glass,designed for stained glass. The surface of the glass is thoroughly degreased. Using the usual shoelaces from the shoes, it is best black in color, it is necessary to plot the contours of the pattern along the sketch lines.

Then it is necessary to prepare epoxy adhesive andmix it with, for example, colored paste from a ballpoint pen or other colored pigment. Prepared by a colored adhesive mixture, it remains to fill the sections between the contours of the pattern.

Already after 3-4 hours the glutinous mixture will seize, and within a day you can safely use stained glass for the purpose.

Method number 2

To make stained glass in this way youYou will need broken colored glass and silicate glue (liquid glass). Draw a sketch on paper and fasten it on the back of the glass. The working surface of the glass should be degreased with ammonia. The contours of the drawing are painted on the glass, after which a layer of silicate glue is applied.

From pre-prepared pieces of colored glass lay out the mosaic. At the end of the drawing fill with liquid glass. Allow the glue to dry completely and your stained glass is ready.

Method number 3

Another successful imitation of stained glass can beproduce, using nitrolaks and pieces of soluble colored fabrics, such as acetate silk. For manufacturing psevdorama used epoxy resin in a mixture with a hardener and bronze or aluminum powder to impart a metallic luster.

As in the previous methods,you should make a sketch, degrease the surface of the glass and fix the sketch from the back of the glass. Then the entire surface of the glass is covered with a thin layer of nitrolac and dried. Then, nitro-lacquer is applied separately to each part of the stained glass window and a pre-prepared cloth flap is glued to it. Above, the fabric is covered with nitrolac.

The finished drawing is again covered with a layernitrolac, and then you can apply 1-2 layers of parquet varnish. Further on the contours of the pattern epoxy composition is applied. Do it conveniently with a pastry syringe or tube of toothpaste. It is important to ensure that the contours do not "run into" each other.

Method number 4

This method is the most laborious, but it is the mostis close to the technique of making classical stained glass windows. Technique Tiffany, received its name by the name of the creator, is very popular and, despite its laboriousness, is quite possible for a beginner.

If you want to make a stained glass in the techniqueTiffany, then you need color stained glass, glass cutter, grindstone, soldering iron, flux for soldering, solder and copper stained-glass foil. It turns out very costly if all this is bought, but if you or your friends have the right tools - then you can proceed.

In general, Tiffany's stained glass is manufacturedSo. On the contours of the sketch, cut out special blanks - templates, which are made in a 1: 1 scale, but have some allowance. According to these patterns, colored elements are cut out of colored stained glass with a glass cutter, after which their edges are processed with a grinding stone or with the help of a special machine.

Each element is glued with a special copperribbon - stained-glass foil. After that, the elements are laid out on the frame of the conceived pattern and the stained-glass window soldered with lead-tin solder is welded at the seams on both sides. Finished stitches are processed by a special composition - "patina".

Method number 5

This is the easiest and most convenient way for a beginner. Instead of laying out patterns from pieces of colored glass, you can simply paint the required surface with special paints "for stained glass". The outlines of the picture are painted with black or gilded paint, and the space inside the contour is filled with colored paint in accordance with the sketch.

Thanks to a wide range of colors, as well as various densities of paints (transparent, coating), you can get a drawing of any complexity.

Stained glass in the interior with their own hands
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