Folk remedies against cellulite

Unloved by all women of the world "orange"the crust makes nice ladies go sometimes to drastic measures. Regular visit to the salon and professional cosmetologist certainly gives an effect, but very negatively affects the contents of the wallet. How to bring the skin in problem areas in a tonus, while saving a lot of money? Folk remedies against cellulite will help.

To begin with, it should be remembered that cellulite, from a medical point of view, are structuralchanges in the subcutaneous fat layer, leading to a disturbance of microcirculation and lymphatic outflow. And in the common people, cellulite is understood as an uneven accumulation of fats and liquids in the subcutaneous fat layer and the resulting unevenly bumpy skin surface. Cellulite is not considered a disease, but rather a cosmetic drawback.

Effects of all anti-cellulite means and methodologies is based on splittingsubcutaneous fat deposits. For this, the effect of reheating, vibration is used. Therefore, many anti-cellulite creams and gels contain cayenne pepper - it causes local warming of the skin in places of application. Ground coffee, thanks to its tonic properties, is also a common component of anti-cellulite.

At home, you can also cook sobsvtennye anti-cellulite compositions. Here, for example, several folk recipes against cellulite:

  1. It is necessary to take grapefruit oil 10 drops,geraniums - 8 drops, bergamot - 10 drops, cinnamon - 3 drops, Muscat - 5 drops. As a basis, 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil is used. The resulting mixture must be applied to the problem area and rubbed with strong vigorous movements.

  2. Prepare a mask from the coffee grounds, blue clay and a small amount of water (preferably mineral). Obtained mask should be applied to the problem area and massage.

  3. Prepare the vinegar wraps. To do this, dilute the apple cider vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 1. You can add essential oils to the solution, for example, mint or lemon oil. Prepared mixture put on the problem area and wrap it with a plastic wrap. Then the problem areas need to be actively heated up. To do this, you can wear warm clothes and do some active physical exercises. You can wrap yourself in a warm blanket and lie down for half an hour or an hour. After this, the mixture needs to be washed off, and a moisturizing cream applied to the skin.

  4. Another option for wrapping. You need to take white or blue clay, add a little water, 3-4 drops of essential oil of orange and 3 tablespoons of ground cinnamon. All carefully mix. The mixture is applied to the areas affected by cellulite, wrapped with a plastic wrap and insulated. Wrap up in a warm blanket and lie down or sit for an hour. You can repeat this wrapping every other day for a week and a half.

In addition to anti-cellulite masks, creams and wraps at home well helps in the fight against cellulite massage problem areas with a brush. The brush should be rigid. In addition to the brush, special hand-held anti-cellulite massagers are also suitable. Taking a shower, such a brush is necessary to walk through all problem areas with energetic massage circular motions. Repeat massage every day, both to get rid of the already available cellulite, and for prevention.

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