Essential oils from cellulite
With the onset of the beach season, women are criticallyevaluate their figure and most often remain unhappy with the result. One of the most common causes for the disorder is cellulite. Fight it with different methods, very popular, for example, essential oils from cellulite.
Essential oils - one of the most affordable folkmeans to fight cellulite. You can buy them in each pharmacy, and they are inexpensive (especially compared with the branded anti-cellulite cosmetics). However, which essential oils help to fight the "orange peel", as well as how to properly use essential oils from cellulite.
The use of essential oils helps to strengthencell membranes, stimulate metabolic processes and blood circulation, normalize the water-fat balance and eliminate toxins, increase muscle tone, elasticity and skin elasticity. To fight cellulite, you can use the following essential oils (and this is not a complete list):
ylang-ylang oil;
lime oil;
neroli oil;
patchouli oil;
petitgrane oil;
oil of rosewood.
Essential oils from cellulite can be usedin different ways, they are usually added to the bottom when taking a bath, used for massage and wraps. Whichever way you use oils, it is very important to strictly observe the proportions and not to use oils in pure form: concentrated essential oils in large quantities can cause chemical burns of the skin.
When taking anti-cellulite baths,that essential oils do not dissolve in water, and, floating on the surface, they will not bring much benefit. Therefore, you need to use emulsifiers - substances that will help create an emulsion of water and oil. As emulsifiers can act, say, milk, cream, kefir. 6-10 drops of essential oil or a mixture of oils should be thoroughly stirred in half a glass of emulsifier, and then pour this mixture into a bath. The water temperature should be about 37 degrees, the duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. After the bath, take a cool shower.
To make an anti-cellulite massage with essential oils, you need to add 2-6 drops of essential oil or a mixture of oils in 10 ml of base oil. As the base oil, the mostdifferent vegetable oils, from olive oil to wheat germ oil. You can also add honey to the mixture. The mixture must be rubbed into cellulite-affected areas with vigorous movements (a sponge or a special mitten can be used).
Which oil mixtures can be used for a bath or massage? We offer several ready-made recipes that you can use to fight cellulite:
2-3 drops of lemon oil, fennel and juniper;
3 drops of juniper oil and 2 drops of orange / grapefruit oil and black pepper;
3 drops of juniper oil and 1 drop of sage oil, geranium and rosemary;
2 drops of rosemary / juniper oil, fennel and cypress;
2 drops of geranium, lemon and rosemary oil;
10 drops of bergamot and grapefruit oil, 8 drops of geranium oil, 5 drops of Muscat oil and 3 drops of cinnamon oil;
2 drops of lemon oil, sage and black pepper;
2 drops of fennel oil, geranium and rose oil;
4 drops of grapefruit oil, 3 drops of fennel and lemon oil;
4 drops of juniper oil, 3 drops of geranium oil and cypress.
Mixtures of oils are prepared in a glass container. First, drip the oil that you need least. You need to cook just as much mixture as you use: essential oils quickly evaporate, and the mixture will lose its healing properties. Do not forget that essential oils have their contraindications, so before buying any oil carefully read the liner.
It is important to remember that essential oils from cellulite are not a panacea. The fight against cellulite should be complex. Baths, wraps and massages alone are not for you.will help. It is also very important to keep the right diet and reduce the consumption of alcohol, tea, coffee, fast carbohydrates, exercise, or at least maintain sufficient physical activity (walking or cycling more).