Algae wrapping at home
Make the figure slim and beautiful, and alsoget rid of annoying cellulite will successfully help wrap algae at home. In addition, algae contain many useful substances that have a positive effect on the body as a whole. How it works algae wrapping at home?
Seaweed, used for wrapping, are capable ofstrengthen fat splitting in the subcutaneous fat layer, activate regeneration processes in the skin, remove excess fluid. Algae contain micro- and macro elements, vitamins A, C, D, E, K and PP, B vitamins, iodine, sea salt.
Algae wraps at home are very popular as a fairly simple and affordable means of combating cellulite. The effect of wraps is noticeable almost immediately, but in any case wraps should be carried out by courses, because one procedure may not be enough.
Course of seaweed wraps consists, as a rule, of 7 procedures, which should be repeated in two weeks in a day. Then you should take a break, and after 2-3 months the course can be repeated.
To make an algae wrap in the homeconditions, you need to buy a pharmacy fucus or kelp - these algae are considered the most suitable for carrying out house wraps. For cold wraps, the algae should be soaked in cool water (about 20 ° C) for 1-2 hours, and for hot wraps, the algae is soaked for 15-30 minutes in hot water (about 45-65 ° C).
Cold seaweed wrapping at home, it is so. Prepared algae are applied to pre-cleaned skin in problem areas. Algae are fixed with food film. Hot wrapping algae is almost the samecold, only after fixing the algae with a film you need to wrap up the problem areas with a warm blanket or wear warm clothes. After half an hour-hour you can take a shower.
Typically, algae for wraps in the homeconditions are already sold shredded. Then such algae must be mixed with water in a proportion of 1 to 4 (4 parts of water 1 part of the algae). In addition, based on shredded algae, you can prepare your own wraps. So, for example, popular recipes for algal wraps with the addition of cosmetic clay or honey.
For example, you can mix the laminaria in equal partsand clay, add a little water to the mixture, so that the mass has acquired the consistency of sour cream, and then add 3 drops of essential oil of lemon or orange. The resulting mass should be applied to the problem areas of the body and left for 40 minutes. Then the mass can be washed off in the shower.
Another one recipe of anti-cellulite wrap with algae at home, suitable for dry skin. It is necessary to pour a handful of algae with hot water for half an hour, then strain and mix algae with 1 yolk and 2 tbsp. l. honey. The resulting mixture should be applied to the body and left for 1 hour. Then the mass should be washed off in the shower without soap.
Wrapping algae at home is a great way to improve the contours of the figure, making the skin smooth and smooth. However, you should not forget your health, and therefore Before the beginning of a course of wraps it is necessary to consult a doctor!