Occupation director

Occupation director is a creative activity,associated with spectacular arts: cinema, theater, circus, television and so on. It is the directors who are engaged in the organization and creative management of the acting group.
Until the nineteenth century, theaters did not have a single leader, and the productions, as a rule, were dealt with either by the actors themselves or by dramatists. Over time, the main principles of the formulation, which all directors must know. Representatives of this profession can be found in theaters, at film studios and in companies engaged in shooting commercials.
Career in directing is quite difficult, since such activities are very ofteninvolves work around the clock and dubious prospects. Even for admission to a higher educational institution, future directors are satisfied with very serious creative competitions. Such an approach on the part of the director's faculties makes it possible to prevent random people from entering the profession.
As is known, art occupies a very important place in the life of society as a whole. Thanks to the representatives of this profession, the wholethe world can enjoy a huge number of feature films and theater productions. The director should be able to correctly influence the person, putting in their work the notions of good and evil, about the beautiful and monstrous, about the truth and lies.
Art is able to make us kinder andsentimental. While watching a feature film, we always empathize with the heroes, we are sad and rejoice with them. Accordingly, in order for a person to become better, he must surround himself with beauty. This is what explains the importance of directing work for the moral and spiritual development of society.
The profession of the director is very prestigious, and recently it has become enoughpopular, as evidenced by the emergence of a large number of new films, a variety of advertising on television and so on. However, this profession can not be called mass. Despite the fact that many people dream of creating a film that can evoke delight from a large number of spectators and positive reviews of critics, this is not everyone can.
As for personal qualities, then the profession of a director requires a person first of all talent, because only he can help to break through ontop of the director's Olympus. At the same time, talent must be combined with hard work, perseverance and perseverance. In addition, each director must have imaginative thinking, rich in imagination, and also be able to find a common language with people. An important role is played by knowledge of the basics of acting, as well as the ability to coordinate the work of actors.
Such work has a number of positive points. It is related to creativity and creation. Also in the process of work will have to communicate with many interesting people, travel to different cities and countries.
The salary of directors depends on the contract with the producer. Of course, the beginning representatives of thisprofession should not expect big fees. At an early stage it will be good if there is someone who will invest money in the ideas of young directors. However, over time, when the director's name becomes known, he can independently establish the terms of contracts and decently earn.
As you could see, the profession of director implies hard work, associated with creativity. For example, to work on a film, the director needs to clearly identify the main idea of the work, determine the artistic style of the film, direct the actions of the actors and the operator's work, and carefully monitor the editing.