We equip the home office

If you work in the office, the employerprovides you with an already equipped workplace with everything you need. But if you are a freelancer and work for yourself, you will have to take care of yourself on your own. You can, of course, work by lying with a laptop on the couch, but it's discouraging. Therefore, many freelancers organize home Office.
Unfortunately, the size of an apartment rarely allows you to take a separate room under your home office, so most often in the role of a home office freelancer advocates part of the room with a desk and everything necessary for work.
It is advisable to choose a place where no onewill bother. For example, if you are used to working in the evenings, a home office in the living room, where the whole family gathers in the evening to watch your favorite TV shows, will not be the best choice. If possible, you can Separate the home office from the rest of the room with a screen or curtains.
Usually The "heart" of the home office is a computer desk (if you, of course, work at a computer). Now, furniture manufacturers offer a lot of computer desks, which are called - "home office". Typically, these tables are as compact as possible, but very capacious: numerous shelves and drawers allow you to place everything you need to work at arm's length.
The shape and size of the table will depend on how much space you could allocate to your home office. If the area of the room is not too large, a good solution is a corner table. You need to set the table so that you always have a good source of lighting (by the way, working all day with artificial lighting is undesirable, so it would be nice to put the table closer to the window).
The problem with some freelancers is that they clutter up their desktop with unnecessary things. Try to maximally separate your home office from the rest of the apartment space, do not litter it. The abundance of knickknacks brings to nothing the working mood. Let your home office have only what you need directly for work.
The same applies to your computer (laptop). The abundance of games and entertainment programs will distract you from work, so let the desktop have shortcuts only those applications that you need directly for your activities.
What should I do if other members of the family use your working computer in your absence? The capabilities of modern operating systems allow you to create multiple user accounts. Create a separate account for yourself, which you will use only for work, with the appropriate set of programs.
By the way, some freelancers even specially disguised before working in the home office, in order to tune into the working mood. They change their clothes to a more strict one. Of course, it is not necessary to wear a three-piece suit with a tie, but even in jeans and a shirt it's easier to get together and get to work than in sports pants and an old T-shirt. It is possible, of course, that your choice of clothes does not affect your productivity, but some such stimulus is necessary.
Do not clutter your home office - does not mean to make it very ascetic. Your workplace should be comfortable and comfortable. Allow yourself to fork out for a comfortable chair,a good mouse and keyboard, get all the necessary stationery, literature, office equipment. Work should be a pleasure, so do not artificially limit yourself and drive into the framework.
Home office is a good solution for freelancers andremote workers. Paradoxically, but the fact: working at home, we often spend more time on work than sitting in the office, because we can not properly organize the work process. Home office equipment will help Increase productivity and save a lot of time.