Feng Shui officeFive days a week most of our time wewe spend at work, that's why it's very important to feel comfortable in the office - then the work capacity rises, and we get tired by the end of the working day less. Improve the business atmosphere will help feng shui office.

The Chinese art of Feng Shui is not just the principles of interior design, retold with beautiful pathos. No matter how "morally obsolete" this doctrine did not seem, in many cases it does work!! Many managers of large Western companies in the design of working premises pay attention to the feng shui office.

Why feng shui office? What can it give to the company? The main task of the Chinese doctrine of feng shui is to search for chi energy in the room and use it to create a favorable atmosphere (in this case, business). Strengthening the influx of positive qi energy improves the working climate and increases efficiency, while saving employees from excessive fussiness and nesobrannosti.

What are the main principles of the Feng Shui office? The basic rule that must be followed strictly is order. Even if you put the furniture correctly,get half a dozen indoor plants and put an aquarium with fish, this is unlikely to contribute to creating a business atmosphere, if the office is a mess. Therefore, you need to put things in order in the folders, cabinets, desktop drawer and hard disk of your computer.

Once ordering, you need to constantly support it. Keep the workplace clean, do not litterhis unnecessary pieces of paper, put all things where they were taken. Even if there is a cleaner in the office, do not rely only on it and do not neglect cleaning your work place: wipe the dust, regularly wipe the monitor, keyboard and computer mouse, after all, do not forget to wash your cup.

By the way, about computers. The order on the hard disk is not less (or even more) important than the order in the desk drawer. Do not save working papers anywhere,give them clearly named folders, do not clutter the desktop with unnecessary labels, and drive C - unnecessary programs for work. And do not forget to install a good antivirus! And the wires coming from your computer should not lie under the table with a tangled heap, cluttering up space. This prevents the normal flow of qi energy.

For feng shui office is of great importance location of employees. They should not sit with their backs to each other orexactly opposite each other (this intensifies confrontation). Also, it is undesirable to sit with your back to the door and the window - this deprives the employees of "a feeling of protected back". The ideal option is to seat everyone so that they sit back to wall or partition. If this is not possible, try to neutralize the negative impact of doors and windows. Windows can be curtained blinds or curtains, and from the door behind you will help the chair with a high back.

Besides, Do not sit with your back against open shelves or cabinets: the surface of such furniture is symbolized by knives. They invade the energy space of a person, which often leads to health problems. The same applies to the sharp corners of cabinets and shelves, forming "arrows". Experts in Feng Shui office advise to use "wind music", which helps to mitigate the negative impact of sharp angles.

Feng Shui officeMany requirements for Feng Shui office are quiteJustified from the point of view of the banal convenience and the rules of the organization of the workplace. So, all office equipment and furniture should be arranged so that workers have free access to office equipment and their workplaces. All used documents should be placed on shelves and in cabinets so that you can easily find the right document, and unused ones are removed to the warehouse or to the archive. If unused documents are stored in the office, it creates an energy stagnation, adversely affecting business development.

Also worth mentioning are the little things that are important for the Feng Shui office, - various accessories. So, if you want your office to havehouse plants, give preference to the "money tree" (Tolstoyanka). To activate the working energy, it is good to use metal objects (they are located diagonally, in the left corner), crystals (crystal in the northeast sector of the table will save from forgetfulness) and objects of bright colors (orange, red blue).

Of course, do not expect that the Feng Shui office itself is able to do so that the affairs of your company will immediately go up the hill. But still Reorganization of the workspace can benefit you - in a comfortable and cozy office, in which the order reigns, the efficiency of employees should be on top.

Feng Shui office
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