What time should the working day begin?
In different companies the schedule of work of employees is different. Time of the beginning and the end of the working day depends, first of all, on the characteristics of a particular type of activity. So, shift workers in factories and plants can start at 5 am, but, for example, the restaurant opens no earlier than 11.

What time should the working day begin?

In accordance with labor legislation (Article 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the time for the beginning and end of the daily work shift is stipulated in the internal labor regulations and shift schedules established by the company.

If we are talking about a standard 8-hour working day, then quite often the company's management faces the question: how many times to work better? Is there a difference between working hours from 8 to 17 hours, from 9 to 18 or even from 10 to 19? How effective will staff work in each of these cases?

Working capacity every person, especially in the morning, independs on its "internal" hours. The so-called "larks" easily get up early in the morning, the highest capacity for work is manifested in the first half of the day.

Quite the opposite are the "larks" of the "owl". These people are the most able to work in the second half of the day, but it is almost impossible to disinhibit them in the morning. But "adjust" the working schedule of the company, especially if it employs not one dozen people, under the "biological clock" of each employee is hardly possible.

Regardless of how much begins andthe working day ends, the concentration of efforts at the most productive time will bring more success than the occupation of "heavy" business in a "stagnant" time, when employees are sluggish.

As early as 1897, the Italian economist and sociologist Wilfredo Pareto formulated an empirical rule thatsays: "20% of efforts give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of efforts - only 20% of the result." Today this rule is called the "Pareto principle", "rule 20/80", etc.

And let in each concrete case the balance of efforts and results does not always fit into this framework, 20/80, but the Pareto principle shows: concentrating on the most important matters, in a shorter period of time it will be possible to get more results.

Therefore, in order to achieve maximum efficiency, prioritize and perform the most important and complex tasks at a time when the upsurge is maximum, leaving easy and pleasant things to the end of the working day, for example.

In practice, in many cases The schedule of the office workday is dictated by the working needs of the company. For example, if a company works on a regular basis with foreign partners or customers, then it must take into account the time difference if the companies are in different time zones.

What time should the working day begin?
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