Methods of personnel management
Personnel Management - this is a whole art. Ability to obtain from the subordinates a high-quality and fast implementation of the tasks set, to maintain a good atmosphere in the work collective is very expensive. Therefore, today the Country of Councils invites you to consider several different methods of personnel management.
Aspiring to take a leading position,most people dream of raising their salaries and their social status. But only a few really understand what a huge responsibility is placed on the manager and how really the science of personnel management can be difficult.
You probably know that leaders are authoritarian, democratic and liberal. Authoritarian style of personnel management, also called directive, is characterized by a high degree of centralization of leadership. All decisions are made solely by the head, not listening to the opinion of the work collective.
With this style of leadership, the main methods of personnel management are orders and various kinds of punishment: reprimands, remarks, penalties, deprivation of bonuses and benefits. The head does not allow any initiative on the part of his subordinates, exercises very strict control over their activities.
These management methods have some advantages, which, however, are more than offset by significant shortcomings. With this style of management, the headrelies entirely on himself and is so strict with his subordinates that this practically excludes the occurrence of errors on their part. But from the mistakes of the head of the team is not insured.
At the same time, the moral and psychological climate inteam is very unfavorable, which significantly reduces the motivation of employees. In addition, employees cease to conduct self-monitoring and no decision can be made without the permission of the manager.
Democratic leadership style has one more name - collegiate. From this title it is clear that with such leadership the key is the distribution of powers, responsibilities and initiatives between the leader and subordinates. The head of this style is always ready to listen to the opinion of subordinates, to take their point of view into account, all decisions are taken together.
The main methods of personnel management in the democratic style are requests and wishes, less often - orders. The leader voices his demands infriendly, friendly tone. Instead of the system of punishments, the system of rewards is applied more: bonuses and bonuses are awarded to the employee for a successfully executed project.
Advantages of methods of democratic management of personnel include stimulation of creative activity, encouragement of initiative, increase of motivation of work. Democratic personnel management improves the moral climate within the team, the satisfaction of employees from the tasks performed.
The shortcomings of democratic personnel management include the inability to implement strict centralized control, excessive delay in the decision-making process. Under democratic leadership, the responsibility for implementation can be shifted for a long time, and "extreme" can be never found.
Liberal leadership style although it is called in different sourcesimpersonal or even anarchistic, does not in fact mean a complete lack of personnel management. Simply with this style of management, most of the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the employees themselves, being for them both an incentive and encouragement.
The methods of personnel management with this style of leadership allow maximum freedom of subordinates. This style is effective where employeesindependence, creative individuality are valued, and therefore this style is used mainly in creative groups: design, music, etc.
Apply a liberal style of personnel management should be with great care, otherwise inevitably the emergence of anarchy and complete chaos. In this case, to understand who is responsible for what, who is right and who is to blame, it is not possible.
Among the described methods of personnel management, it is impossible to single out absolutely effective and absolutely inefficient methods. The use of different management methods should be based on a specific situation in a particular workforce.