Conflicts at workConflicts at work, unfortunately, quite a frequent phenomenon. That colleagues "get to grips" with each other, and even with the heads you can quarrel. How to prevent conflicts at work and how to behave if the conflict still happened? This is today in the Land of Soviets.

Psychologists share all conflicts at work in two groups: vertical and horizontal. Horizontal conflicts at work - these are conflicts between colleagues, that is, employees who are on the same level of hierarchy that has developed in the company. Vertical Conflicts, in turn, are conflicts between subordinates and superiors.

Among the vertical most commona few typical conflicts: the rejection of new rules by the team, the discrepancy between the duties and salary of the position, and unclear management orders.

So, if a new manager suddenly enters the department of the company with established traditions and orders and introduces its own orders, then this can cause conflict. As you know, with its charter in a strangerthe monastery does not go and the new leader's attempts to put himself in this way can play against him. Some employees may even resign at their own will, unless new requirements and procedures are justified by anything other than the personal subjective opinion of the newest manager.

What should I do if there is such a conflict at work? The compromise will have to go all. The subordinates should be stated tactfully and diplomatically, than they are not satisfied with the new rules, and the head, in turn, - listen to the subordinates and try to work out an option that suits both sides. And, of course, it is necessary to find out, how much new requirements are justified: can it really be time to tie with a "scarf" during the working day?

If conflicts at work are caused by the discrepancy between the work performed and the duties prescribed in the job description, then there are not so many options for getting out of the situation. It's unlikely that the manager unknowingly loads the employee with "extra" duties - most likely, he simply "saves" on a new employee. Why pay a salary to another employee, if the required amount of work will fulfill the existing one?

If you are in a similar situation and dismissal from the post of "painter, carpenter and carpenter" in one person for you - not an option, then You can try to change the attitude of the leadership to the work you are doing. Everything you do besides direct jobseekersduties are your voluntary services, you, so to speak, help your leader. Try to accurately emphasize this in conversations with the authorities and you will have the opportunity to refuse from "other" duties.

The leader in this situation should eitherreview the terms of reference of their subordinates with the introduction of appropriate changes to the employment contract and job description, or hire additional staff to perform such duties.

In horizontal conflicts at work most oftenpersonal "incompatibility" of employees is to blame. Here there is a place of career envy, and personal insults (did not help, did not share, etc.), and simply the characteristics of the characters of each employee.

Conflicts at work between colleagues can arise on a variety of issues. For example, one of the employees is in the "favorites" from the authorities or he got a premium, a ticket to a sanatorium, etc. How to behave in such cases?

"Happy" owner of privileges and bonuses from superiors to avoid conflict should be bragged less - this is, as a rule, causing the most irritation of colleagues. Do not stress your exclusivity to colleagues, the special attitude of the authorities.

In turn, the leader needs to remember,that to prevent conflict, encourage and punish the subordinates should be, without going over to the individual. And if the manager wants to remain objective in the eyes of his subordinates, then he should not start any "favorites".

Conflicts at work
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