The most prestigious women's professions

Time goes by, and with it changing "fashion" in the profession. It can be seen how the demand forcertain professions in the last 12 years. In 1998, the most popular and prestigious professions, both for men and women, were the "economist" and "lawyer."

Competitions in these specialties are simpleit seemed that it was easier to enter a theater university than to the economics or law faculty of the most ordinary university or institution. Jobs economist and lawyer were opened by many successful companies and firms and, although it was difficult to pass an interview for such a warm place with a large salary, the chance was always there. He received the most active and purposeful.

Five years later, the situation changed. It became fashionable for a woman to be a "sales manager", a "lawyer" and a "secretary-referent". Requirements for candidates for these positionsvery tough, among them - compulsory knowledge of two or even three foreign languages, model appearance, ability to communicate with people, knowledge of the basics of psychology and excellent computer skills.

Still later it became prestigious to conduct all kinds of trainings. "Business Coaches" were at the peakpopularity, they taught (or at least tried) people to make money. Then there were "marketers", "experts in the field of nanotechnology", "female bodyguards" - they became the most popular and highly paid. Advertising business flourished, marketers were in great demand, and female guards were widely sought after among the wives of wealthy entrepreneurs.

During the recent crisis, such professions as "Specialist in debt collection and working with problem loans," "specialist in IT security"... But this is not all the professions that are popular among women.

If refer to statistics, you can see that, for example, of allinspectors of the personnel department 97% - representatives of the fair sex. 92% of tourism managers are also women, and only 2% behind them are human resources managers, of whom 90% are women. It's no secret that women are more communicative than men. The call center operator's profession is created for those who like communication, so it is not surprising that 82% of applicants for this position are ladies.

The fate of the environment will soonin the hands of the beautiful half of humanity: 79% of the job seekers are environmentalists women. Recently, ladies are not inferior to gentlemen and in the development of such promising professions, as the manager of advertising and PR. 75% of job seekers who seek the career of an advertising manager are females. Establish relations with the public consider their vocation 73% of women.

Among managers who monitor compliancegoods to international quality standards, women make up 70%. Slightly less applicants (67%) apply for such positions as marketing manager, literary editor and cost estimator. By their nature, women are more observant, scrupulous, able to notice the smallest flaws, have an artistic flair. For this reason, men often concede to them such specialties as an auditor and an architect (65%).

Many modern girls know how to keep themselves toned. Some of them are ready to teach this to others, so fitness instructors 62% of them are women. Well, if the soul wants creativity, then it will always be fashionable to be in the ranks of singers, TV presenters, writers and psychics.

The most prestigious women's professions
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