How to take remantadine for children: instructions and indications for use
In the cold season, the likelihood of getting influenza increases at times, and neither adults nor children are immune from this.
We often engage in self-medication or at allwe carry the disease on our feet, but we always take care of our children. And, of course, we carefully approach the choice of therapeutic drugs for them, choosing effective and with a minimum of side effects.
So, an effective remedy for influenza is a time-tested remantadine. What are the features of the parents of a sick child?
Can I take Remantadin to children?
The effectiveness of this drug in combatingvirus catarrhal diseases in children is proved by the results of studies. Only you need to keep in mind that it is contraindicated to give it to a child who has not reached one year old.
As for the Remantine tablets, there is also a restriction - they can be given to children over seven years of age. For preschoolers, a special form of medicine is produced - syrup.
Due to the special composition in this form, the drug has a less aggressive effect. As for the effectiveness of the application, it will be the same for all Remantine dosage forms.
Indications for use
The main indication for receiving Remantadin forchildren are viral diseases, it is part of a comprehensive treatment, appointed by a pediatrician. "Remantadin" as a children's drug from influenza will facilitate the course of the disease, and the child will soon recover. Also, this drug is used as a means of prevention, which is especially important during outbreaks of epidemics of viral diseases.
The correct method will protect the child from infection. Thus, the risk of getting sick when visiting pre-school institutions or other places where the children's collective gathers is reduced to a minimum. Among the indications for the use of Remantadine is the prevention of tick-borne encephalitis.
Children's remantadine: instructions for use
Instructions for the use of remantadin by childrenit is simple - the medicine is taken after a meal, washed down with a lot of water. For small children, the syrup can be diluted with water. The exact dosage and mode of taking the drug is prescribed by a pediatrician, based on the characteristics of each individual case - the age of the child, weight and other factors are taken into account.
We can only describe the general scheme and tell how to take Remantadin in this or that case. As soon as the first signs of the disease became visible, you need to start taking the drug.
The dosage will depend on the age. Children under three years on the first day are given 2 teaspoons of syrup 3 times, in the next two days - 2 teaspoons 2 times a day, and on the fourth day the same amount of syrup is taken once. Children aged 3-7 years are given 3 spoons of syrup three times a day for the first day, twice for the second and third, and one for the fourth.
Children older than 7 years take 3 teaspoons of syrup four times a day, and then follow a similar scheme - 2 tablespoons for the second and third days, and one for the fourth.
Children older than 7 years can take pillsRemantadine. In this case, the dosage will be as follows: a child aged 7-10 years takes one tablet twice a day, at the age of 11-14 years - one tablet three times a day. The course of treatment in both cases is five days.
Reception "Remantadina" for children is possible and inas a preventive tool - just as instructed. So, children under 3 years are prescribed 20 mg of the drug, at the age of 3 to 7 years, the dose increases to 20-40 mg, for children 7-10 years it will be 40-60 mg. The duration of the preventive course is 7 to 10 days.
Author: Katerina Sergeenko