Stretch marks in adolescentsMany believe that the appearance of stretch marks (striae)Only pregnant women and victims of diets are inclined to the body, but this is not so. Stretch marks may seem like an "adult" problem, but they suffer from about 10% of adolescents - both girls and boys. Why appear stretch marks in adolescents and how to deal with them?

In fact, stretch marks are scars from microtraumas of the skin. If the skin is exposed to sharp or strongload, there are microcracks in the place of which a connective tissue is formed, differing in color and structure from the rest of the skin. Immediately after the appearance of the stretch, usually reddish or purple, eventually they acquire a white or light pink color.

The two main reasons for the appearance of stretch marks are hormonal changes in the body and rapid loss (set) of weight or muscle mass. During puberty, the hormonal system of a teenager is rebuilt, there may be sudden jumps in growth and weight changes, hence the stretch marks in adolescents.

More often stretch marks in adolescents are localized in the chest, hips, buttocks and abdomen. So, stretch marks on the chest of a teenage girlcan appear from the fact that the breasts begin to grow very rapidly and rapidly. Much less often there are stretch marks on the back, they can talk about a lack of muscle mass or diseases of the internal organs, so when you have strains on your back, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

In fact, the doctor should consult at the appearance of any stretch marks in the teenager, since they can testify to hormonal disorders. This happens infrequently, but betterBe safe and make sure that your child is healthy. By the way, the appearance of stretch marks can also be affected by heredity: if one of the parents has stretch marks, they can appear in the child.

Treatment of stretch marks is a very time-consuming and time-consuming process. Since the stretch marks consist of a connectingtissues, it is impossible to force them to "dissolve" just like that, you can only make them as noticeable as possible. To fight stretch marks, you can use special cosmetic products with silicone and collagen, and you can refer to salon procedures - mesotherapy and laser polishing.

However, cosmetics are not alwaysare quite effective, the course of mesotherapy takes about six months with at least two sessions per month, and laser polishing will fly you into a pretty penny. therefore stretch marks in adolescents are easier to prevent than treat.

Important avoid excessive physical exertion. Of course, physical activity is very important forteenager, but it should be moderate: excessive loads can cause the very micro-trauma of the skin that lead to the appearance of stretch marks. Adolescent girls should not sit on a strict diet for weight loss: a sharp weight loss will not only lead to the appearance of stretch marks, but can cause much more serious health problems.

It is also important that the teenager was eating properly. In his diet must necessarily includeproducts rich in vitamins (in particular, A, C and E), as well as sources of unsaturated fatty acids (vegetable oils, fish, some vegetables) and protein (both animal and vegetable).

As prevention of stretch marks, you can domassage in problem areas, monitor for adequate moisturizing of the skin. A good result is also given by water procedures (for example, contrast showers and swimming). Also, during puberty, you should periodically consult with an endocrinologist and to check the status of the child's hormonal background.

Stretching in teenagers can cause many complexes, so it is very important to give the teenager to understand that stretch marks are not as scary as it might seem at first glance, and teach him to love his body.

Stretch marks in adolescents
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