How many years to send to school?

About how many years it is to give the child toschool, parents start to think in advance. Is it necessary to hurry up in this matter? Or vice versa, is it necessary to hold the child in kindergarten or at home longer?

In different countries, children are sent to school in differentage. For example, in Japan, small students go to school since 5 years. True, the very system of education is very different from ours, domestic. For example, in the Russian Federation, children are admitted to school from 6.5 years, and according to The Law of Ukraine "About zagalnu srednju osvіtu", Article 20: "Zarahuvannya uchvіv before zagalnoosvіtnіh napchalnih napіvіv здійснюється, як rule, з 6 років. "That is, domestic legislation onlyrecommends the age at which a child should go to school, but does not impose it. Therefore, six-, and seven- or eight-year-old children are accepted without problems into the first class.

Often parents hurry to give the child earlyto school, since he already knows how to read, count, write. But such skills are not the most important for the child, after all, in the end, it is this child in the first class that is taught. But the psychological and physical readiness for school, its regime and workload are much more important for a future first-grader. Long stay in one place, sitting position, lack of daytime sleep - all this is unusual for a child and the younger he is, the harder he tolerates it. The child quickly overworked, feels depressed, defenseless. A child psychologically not ready for school, it is difficult to sit out a forty-minute lesson, because he needs a change of occupation after 20-25 minutes. The fine motor skills of the child's fingers are not yet sufficiently developed, and even with all the desire, he may not get the letters in the words. This makes the child nervous, worried.

A child who is much younger or much older than his classmates can feel uncomfortable. Already in the first grade, differences in height and weight between children of different ages are noticeable. And when the child moves to the upper grades, he will stand out even more among classmates.

If parents send the child to school at a later age, then this is also not always useful. The older child may be bored withlessons, especially if parents before school intensively engaged in its education, for example, led to preparatory courses. He may also be uninteresting with his classmates - they are too small for him. When a child is sent to school at the age of about 8 years and older, the parents, among other things, try to "preserve the childhood" of their child in this way. But there is no special benefit in "overdoing" the child at home, when he is already physically and mentally matured for the school.

Every child is different. For one it will be more useful to be in schoolearly, for another - later. To find out if your child is ready for school, it is best to contact a child psychologist. The specialist will conduct several tests with the baby, which will help to determine the degree of his readiness for school.

How many years to send to school?
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