adaptation of the child to school

How passes adaptation of the child to school? How to help your child adapt to school and school workloads? The Country of Councils will tell about it.

For two weeks now, the first-graders have been going toschool. Behind the excitement, solemn line, the first busy days. Life slowly enters its rut, the child gets used to school. But is it all so smooth?

The school is a completely new load for a first-grader. We all know how hard and even a littleit's scary to start a new business full of suspense. And the child during this period requires increased attention and concentration, compliance with discipline, intense mental work. This adds to the need to sit quietly in class, which leads to a decrease in the motor activity of the child.

One can not blindly hope that the adaptation of the child to school will successfully pass by itself. This process can and should be helped. After all, a heavy and protracted adaptation of the child to school threatens serious exhaustion of the body due to frequent overwork, colds, emotional overload. Therefore, we must try to make the adaptation of the child to school as painless as possible.

All first-graders on the ability to adapt to the school can be divided into three main groups.

The first group adapts easily - the adaptation process takes place within the first 2 months after the beginning of the study. Such children only sometimes experience difficulties with mastering new norms and rules of behavior, but more often they are calm, conscientiously fulfill the requirements of the teacher.

The next group has a longer period of adaptation to the school. Children belonging to this group are not immediately readyaccept the teacher's demands. In the classroom they can play, talk. The comments of teachers are offended, they can burst into tears. The curriculum in the first half is given to children quite hard, but already by the end of the first half of the year the children are fully prepared to fulfill the requirements of the school.

And, finally, the third group of children is a group that includes children with very difficult socio-psychological adaptation. Such children show negative behavior,negative emotions, the curriculum is given to them with great difficulty. Often children of this group become objects of complaints of teachers: they interfere with the educational process, constantly violate discipline.

How can one understand how easily or heavily the school load is given to a child? Attentive parents will be able to find the answer to this question. The following signs may indicate that adaptation of the child to school is not very smooth:

  • the child does not want to tell parents about school matters

  • the child became nervous, irritable, violently manifests its negative emotions, although earlier it was not typical for him

  • the child tries to avoid school, cunning, not to go to school

  • in school, a child either actively violates discipline in the classroom, quarrels with classmates, i. actively "protests"

  • at school the child is passive, does not play with classmates, is not attentive, is in a depressed mood - this is a "passive protest"

  • at school the child is anxious, often crying, afraid

How to help the child in this difficult period?

The main thing, no matter how trite it may sound, isparental love, affection, caring. The child needs them more than ever. Family troubles are the enemy of successful adaptation of the child to school and, conversely, a comfortable psychological environment in the family will help the child to adapt more easily to school.

During the period of adaptation to school, children often startbehave "as small": ask for hands, be capricious. This should be treated with understanding: it is just during this period that the child wants to make sure that he is still safe, that mom and dad are always there.

Adaptation of the child to the school is much better if the parents are actively involved in the process. You can help a child to collect things from the evening,then in the morning he will not have to hurry. If possible, it is better to take the child to school, and not to let him go. The child will be pleased if Mom or Dad will lead it to class.

On the way from school, you can go with a child to a bookstore, ice cream parlor or perform any other ritual that pleases a child. Then the child will go to school with more willingness.

adaptation of the child to school
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