Psychological readiness of the child for school

Deciding whether to give the child this fall in school, it is worth taking into account not only his physical and intellectual development, but also psychological readiness for training. Psychological readiness of the child for school - an important factor that affects the success (or failure) of schooling.
It happens that the child at the time of admission to thethe school already possesses all the knowledge and skills necessary for the first-grader, cognitive processes and speech are developed at the proper level, physical development is also within the limits of the norm, but morally a child is not ready for school. What does the psychological readiness of the child include in the school and how is it assessed?
One of the most important aspects of psychological readiness for schooling is attitude to the school and the learning process in general. The child must understand what awaits him at school. Much depends on the parents, because they have to explain to the child what the school is. Usually the "detector" of readiness for learning is the answer to the question "Do you want to go to school? Why yes / no? ".
The school should involve the child in its main activity - training. Therefore, if the child says that he wants to go toschool, in order to learn new things, or to learn and become smart, like Dad, then he is ready for school. But if he wants to go to school, because his friend Petya is going to study there (or because his mother promised to buy a new satchel), you can not talk about readiness for school yet.
And the child can answer the question in the negative: I do not want to go to school, because there they put two, because there you can not play, etc. This means that parents have formed in the child the wrong attitude to the school. You can not intimidate the child by the school "ineducational purposes ": it will not bring any benefit, only harm. Sometimes it happens that the negative attitude towards the school is formed not by parents, but by older children, then parents will have to make efforts to change this attitude.
There is one more aspect of psychological readiness for school, it is connected with the change in the status of the child. From the status of a preschooler, he becomes a student, which means a new position in society, newrules and responsibilities, a different level of responsibility. At school, the child will interact with the teacher and classmates, and this relationship will differ from the relationship with educators and peers in the kindergarten.
The child should be aware that rules of behavior in school differ from the rules of behavior in kindergarten: during the lesson you will have to sit at the desk, you will not be able to discuss other topics, you will have to speak on the raised hand, etc. It is also very important explain to the child the essence of school marks, so that he understands two things. First, assessments do not reflect the teacher's personal attitude toward the child, but the degree of his success. And secondly, the result of labor is evaluated, and not the efforts made.
It is also very important the ability of a child to communicate and interact with peers. The child should understand in what situationsyou have to give in, and in what it is worth insisting on your own. He should also be prepared for the fact that not everyone will treat him with such care and love as parents, and understand that he will not be the best always and in everything.
Still matters self-evaluation of a child, it should be adequate. With an overestimated self-esteem, a child may react incorrectly to teacher's remarks and low scores: how is it, he's a fine fellow, this is just an evil teacher (the school is bad).
Psychological readiness of the child in schoolis determined by a teacher or a psychologist during a general diagnosis of readiness for schooling. Usually, there are a few questions and / or simple tests to determine, how much the child is ready for school psychologically for each of the above aspects.
If, on some aspect, the child "failed", this does not mean that he will have to stay at home for another year. Likely, the teacher will give parents a set of recommendations, following which, they will be able to change the attitudethe child to school, the level of his self-esteem, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics in advance, at the end of spring or early summer, so that by September there were no problems with adapting your child to school.