A firm abdomen in adults and children: possible causes

The feeling of discomfort in the abdomen and his swelling -a common problem for many people of different ages. A hard abdomen may be a symptom of the onset of a dangerous disease or a sign of excessive stretching of the muscles of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. Although often a hard stomach is the result of overeating, and not a symptom of a dangerous disease.

A hard abdomen is the main reason

Often a feeling of heaviness and bloating appears in thethe body because of the accumulated gases. The main reason for this is ingestion of excessive amounts of oxygen during meals. In some cases, ascites may also be a cause of a hard abdomen or this occurs with menstruation.

Inflammation is most often caused by excessiveconsumption of highly carbonated beverages. If the cause of heaviness and swollen abdomen is covered in excessive accumulation of air, then there is nothing to worry about. The rest of it comes out either naturally, or absorbed by the walls of the intestine.

Gases - a fairly common phenomenon. This is the result of improper digestion of products. Provoke the process of gassing can eat food with a content of soda, neutralizing the secretion of the stomach. The use of certain products can also become an "activator" of such phenomena as hardness and swelling. These include:

  • White cabbage;

  • Brussels sprouts and broccoli;

  • Potatoes;

  • Beans.

These products contain a significant amount of fiber and starch.

A hard abdomen can be a symptom and more serious abnormalities in the body:

  • peritonitis;

  • liver disorders;

  • abscesses;

  • appendicitis;

  • stomach ulcers;

  • stones in the gallbladder.

Hardness and swelling can signal a trauma or neoplasm in the abdominal cavity.

A firm abdomen in a woman with pregnancy

A firm abdomen in adults and children: possible causes

A firm and taut abdomen is a phenomenon thatoccurs with almost every future mother. Such a state of the stomach, when pregnancy, contribute to stress and severe fatigue. This inevitably leads to the tone of the uterus. To ease your well-being, it's enough just to relieve stress, do your favorite thing, or try to rest more.

If the problem persists for a long time and the swollen abdomenstarts to hurt (it is painful to press down, in the area of ​​the navel, near him or around), then you should definitely consult a gynecologist. The active tone of the uterus in the first trimester of pregnancy can lead to the most unfortunate consequences.

Stiffness of the abdomen, which resulted from frequentcontractions of the uterus - a serious problem, as the flow of blood to the placenta is broken and the child experiences oxygen deficiency. In any case, the future mother must take responsible approach to her health.

A firm tummy in a newborn

Hard swollen tummy in infants pediatriciansobserve quite often. As a rule, the swollen and large lower abdominal cavity of the child causes constant painful sensations. It takes only 4 months. The phenomenon of "flatulence" is not considered a disease. The reason for the inflated abdomen in a child is poor digestibility of food and imperfection of the gastrointestinal system.

A firm abdomen in adults and children: possible causes

The small intestine is still very weak, andbecause of the load on it, the walls of the body do not cope with pushing food, which causes the formation of gases. The gases causing the swollen and hard tummy bring the child constant discomfort, and sometimes severe pain. Treatment in this case appoints a pediatrician, prescribing special medicinal broths. Symptoms of the child being tortured by "colic" are not only bloatedness and an increase in the abdominal volume, but also redness of the skin, as well as flexing of the legs and attempts.

If bloating in you or your child does not go a long time and is accompanied by pain, this is a good reason to go to the hospital.

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