How to deal with children's laziness?
Oh, this laziness! How many parental nerves are spent in fruitless attempts to overcome the laziness of your child! Why are our children too lazy and how to fight with childish laziness?

It turns out, not every laziness is harmful. Surely, you had to hear more than onceexpression: "Laziness is the engine of progress." A person is "lazy" walking and he has learned to use horses for his movement, and later - cars. Housewives became much easier when they were helped by vacuum cleaners, washing machines and dishwashers. And can it be said that the authors of these remarkable inventions were lazy? Sometimes the inventor worked all his life, not to waste time, to achieve the desired result.

And what is generally accepted to mean "childish laziness"? Unwillingness to help my mother in the household, clean up foryourself, study or something? Initially, very rarely childish laziness is a parasitic mode of existence. To this behavior, we often, adults, ourselves push our own children. When a child first tries to do something himself, not all parents have the patience to withstand his slowness and slowness. With a battle cry: "Come on!" Mom or Dad rush to help the children and ... completely kill his initiative! The child gets used to thinking that everything will always be done for him by others. And after many years, a teenager on her mother's indignation with sincere surprise will say: "Why should I do this? After all, there is you! ".

So, The first way to combat childish laziness in the "bud" - is to give your child the opportunity to bring the business that he started to the end. And do not finish it! The child should learn that all the work that he started should be completed, and not wait for help from his mother.

How to deal with children's laziness?

If the child is lazy to learn, do not rush to punish him. It is possible that laziness is a reaction of a child's organism to an overload. The child simply can not cope with theload and his body urgently requires a respite. In this case, the child himself has no right to reduce this burden. Then the body acts more cunningly - it gets sick. All right, now you can legally not go to school!

Another reason for the "lazy" education of a child is lack of motivation. A child, especially a junior high school student, absolutelyI do not know why I really need a school. Go to school and sit out there for half a day, listen to teachers, and then spend the whole evening sitting behind lessons. "Why should I do this?" The child asks himself. And the answer: "Because parents so want" - he does not explain anything.

The label "lazy" can seem child very convenient and profitable. Then he will be happy to "wear" thislabel, hiding behind them as a shield. Why change anything, if you can say to all: "I'm lazy!" - and let others condemn, but still accept. The child is much harder to admit that, for example, he is offended by classmates, than to say: "Laziness go to school!".

Finding out what is the reason for your child's laziness, You can help him cope with laziness. If the child is overloaded, help him to take offload, review your requirements for it. Do not bend the stick? From the child you can not ask for something not by age, but this does not mean that it needs to be fully serviced. A child of 7-10 years can easily clean on his desk, wash a plate behind him, fill his bed, take out the garbage.

It is quite difficult to motivate a child to do anything. Here it is already important for you, as a parent, not to be too lazy and come up with motivation. For example, a child can say: "Put the toys together - we'll go for a walk more quickly." Children love the competitive moment, so you can arrange cleaning "for distillation", the winner - a prize. Motivation for a child can be even simple praise, especially with all members of the family. Pride in the work done is an excellent incentive.

Of course, "nagging" the child for laziness, complainingfamiliar: "My child is so lazy!", in fact, it is much easier for parents than to show ingenuity and imagination in the fight against this laziness. Not only strictness, but also caress help parents in hard work of education. We want a huge reserve of patience for all, all moms and papules!

How to deal with children's laziness?
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