English for KidsIn modern conditions, knowledge of at least one foreign language significantly expands the circle of human capabilities. As is known, English It is an international language, people communicate in itmany countries of the world. The English language has taken root not only in its historical homeland, in England, but also in those countries that used to be colonies of the British Empire: in Australia, African states, etc. Therefore, it is the English language that parents teach their children.

The native language is taught in a natural way since the early childhood. To the same natural way to teach a child the English language, it is best to "immerse" it in a natural or artificial bilingual environment. What does it mean? Natural bilingual environment is formed in "mixed" families, where the child's parents speak different languages. Thus, hearing both languages ​​in their family, the child learns them both as relatives. Artificial bilingual environment can create for their child parents who perfectly know a foreign language.

The main secret of teaching the baby English inartificial bilingual environment - this is a certain "role" of each of the parents. One parent communicates with the child in one language, the second - on the other. "The roles" parents do not change until the child reaches 4 years. Approximately up to four years of age, the child may be confused in his speech, the words from both languages, but after his speech is clearly differentiated into two languages.

Instead of parents, a nanny can act as the native speaker of English to create an artificial bilingual environment. This method, called "By the method of the governess", suggests that a nanny-governess communicates withchild only in English. She does not teach the child the language, but literally "lives" with him in this language environment: a child and a nanny play, paint, sing, read fairy tales only in English. A similar method was previously used in noble families to teach children French or German.

If the parents of the child do not speak English themselves, but want to teach this language to their baby, then the approach should be somewhat different. First, a child under 5-6 years old is not yet developedlogical thinking. Therefore, the explanation of how the sentence is constructed, what is an article or a preposition, the child is not clear. It is best for a child to learn a foreign language in the game, in everyday situations. Cartoons, picture books, coloring books, funny poems and fairy tales in English - these are quite good "educational" tools for the baby.

If a child of 4-6 years of age wants to be taken to a special group for English, it should be noted that the effectiveness of the classes depends on their duration and regularity. Classes should be held at least 3 times a week for four-year children and at least 2 times - for five-year and older.

English language learning should not be associated with a baby with something unpleasant, boring. Therefore, it is important not to frighten off his natural interest in everything new. Children are very restless and it is important to take into account when studying English. The variety of methods used, the lack of coercion help make the process of learning a foreign language simple and affordable for the baby.

English for Kids
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