Teenager and classmates
Relationships between adolescents are always complex andunpredictable. In adolescence, it is important for a child to feel "a member of a pack". Classmates - these are the people with whom the teen spends most of the day, this is his "flock". therefore For a teenager, his relationships with classmates are especially important.

A class in which all students are friends with each other andcomrades - probably an unattainable ideal. In practice, the same relationship in the class can be different: from tolerant to overtly hostile. Often adolescents in the classroom are divided into interest groups. Inside such mini-groups, teenagers feel themselves "their own", they are comfortable there. And what is happening outside these groups is of little concern to them.

Teenagers are afraid to stay with the "one onone". If no one is friendly with you - it is unbearably bitter and insulting. Not for nothing, as a "supreme" measure of punishment classmates declare a "boycott", ignoring the offender.

The reasons for bad relationships with classmates can be different. Perhaps communication did not work out from the very firstclass, perhaps the problem manifested itself only in adolescence. Maybe the reason is some disagreement, disagreement in views and tastes, perhaps it's all about the inner problems of the adolescent himself. Too defiant behavior, the desire to show their superiority repels classmates.

Sometimes, consciously or unconsciously, eventeachers become the reason for the friendship of the whole class "against someone". If the teacher somehow singles out a teenager among the others, is too complacent to him or, on the contrary, is too strict, then classmates begin to treat this teenager unfriendly.

Teenage companies love to "adjust" everythingunder its format. If someone is not standard, something is different, then he is often subjected to "harassment". The most vulnerable to attacks from classmates are adolescents with defects in appearance, speech, too timid and shy.

How to help a teenager if his relationship with his classmates is not good? Some parents, after learning about a similar problemhis teenage child, immediately run to scandal the school administration, the class teacher, personally seek to punish the abusers. But the scandal is not the best solution to the problem. After such "showdowns", almost certainly "harassment" from classmates will only increase, and the adolescent will be considered dependent, not "adult." In addition, it is possible that teachers will try to hurt the teenager in every way or reduce his marks.

To offend those who are offended most of all. Teenagers like to see how offendeda classmate cries for every word, waving his arms and screaming. For them it's very fun. You can try to react to the antics of classmates in an unusual way for them. Instead of tears and sobbing in a calm tone, ask: "Well, and then what?". Together with classmates laugh at the joke.

Parents can help their teenager findmore confidence in yourself and your strengths. If a teenager is embarrassed to approach classmates and speak first, then this fear can be overcome only by going through it. It is important to teach a teenager not to be afraid to express his opinion, to defend his point of view.

As a panacea for all problems with classmates, parents are considering transfer of a teenager to another school. Like, there he immediately all get better. But the teenage team is always very wary of the newcomer. In the classroom into which the teenager is transferred, the relationship has long been established and it will be difficult for him to join the staff at first. But, on the other hand, the transfer to a new school is a chance to start everything from scratch. A teenager has every chance to put himself in a way that does not offend him.

Some teenagers, and their parents, too,that to transfer is to surrender. They do not want to "cave in" to someone. This is a very commendable position. But if a teenager in the classroom is frankly beaten, humiliated, then a deep psychological trauma can not be avoided, and serious physical injuries are also possible. In this case, it is better to take the teenager from school.

Every parent wants his teenage child to be well and tries to help him, even if the teenager himself denies this help. Teenagers do not like it when parents "interfere with their personal life." Therefore, parents often learn about the problems of their child at the very last moment, when the situation has already got out of control.

Give your child attention, do not forgetto be interested in his school affairs in order to recognize possible problems in time. Then the memories of the school for your child will remain only the brightest and the best.

Teenager and classmates
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