Teenage suicide: you can prevent!
Teenagers are often treated with someneglect - they say, this is the age, perebesitsya. In fact, the problems of adolescents are often much more serious than it seems to us. And some teenagers choose the most tragic way of solving their problems - adolescent suicide.

Of course, not every teenager is prone to suicide, and thank God. But some adolescents are at risk. Usually they are teenagers, who are more vulnerable and feel themselves to be outcasts. Having fallen into a difficult life situation, they do not see from it another way out, except to kill themselves.

The risk group includes adolescents with propensity to depression. Push to suicide can the death of someone from close people, girls -and also rape and / or unwanted pregnancy. Poor school performance can also become a risk factor. Conversely, extraordinary and talented teenagers are sometimes also threatened, because the others do not accept them. Abuse of alcohol or drugs increases the risk of suicide.

Teenage suicide is divided into three types. The first type is true teenage suicide. In this case, the teenager really has a firm intention to end his life and usually carefully plans everything. If the attempt fails, it repeats it over time.

To such a suicide are inclined teenagers, who feel themselves to be outcasts isolated about society. They feel lonely and no onenecessary, fall into a depression that causes a desire to die. The reason for this feeling can be a mental trauma, rape, awareness of their non-standard sexual orientation - in general, a strong mental turmoil.

Affective (sensitive) adolescent suicide, as is clear from the title, is accomplished ina state of affect, under the influence of strong, but momentary feelings. If a suicide attempt is unsuccessful, the teenager will most likely not repeat it. The impetus for suicide can be conflicts in the school, family or peer group, unhappy love, in the case of particularly impressionable teenagers - even a film or a book.

goal demonstrative suicide - draw attention to yourself. In this case, the teenager is not going to actually kill himself, his goal is to become noticed. As in Grigory Oster's poem:

Then the father and mother will know,

They will scream, cry and run.

And rush to buy a cake,

And they'll take you to the cinema with you in the evening.

Attempts to commit suicide in this case are usually multiple, but True suicide they end up except that by accident. To it teenagers with hysterical features of the person and demonstrative behavior are inclined.

To prevent affective or demonstrative suicide is comparatively easy, because in these cases, adolescents usually do not hide their intentions. Adolescents with demonstrative behavior announce them openly, and with affective behavior they want to be stopped at a subconscious level.

And here True teenage suicide is not easy to prevent: often a teenager hides his intentions, andTrack changes in behavior is difficult, especially if the teenager is inclined to loneliness. Signs of internal readiness for suicide can be changes in sleep and appetite, problems with academic achievement, loss of interest in the environment and self-esteem, increased aggressiveness. A teenager may stop watching his appearance. Adolescents who decided to die may begin to give valuable and expensive things to friends and acquaintances.

Teenage suicide can be prevented if you are attentive to your child. It is necessary to be interested in his life, but nottry to get too much into it, otherwise the child will close even more. If you notice that something strange is happening with your child, you need to gently but persistently talk it through and support it. Even if he did something wrong, we must first support him, and only then deal with the consequences.

Often parents of teenagers leave them alone with problems: the child grows up, let learns to solve problems as an adult, and stuffs his own bumps. But without parental support the teenager often lowers his hands, and teenage suicide seems the only solution to the problem. Therefore it is very important that your child knows: you love him for who he is, and always help to solve any problem.

Teenage suicide: you can prevent!
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