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Hard disk - the most important place of anycomputer or laptop, because that's where all the user information, files and folders with documents, multimedia files and installation programs are stored. However, each user at least once in his life has a need to clean the car. Typically, this is done before you take the computer to the service for another problem, but just in case the data is re-stored, and the winchester is cleaned. Sometimes the question of how to format a computer arises when the machine starts to run slowly or the operating system crashes. And, of course, if your working device goes to a new owner, you also need to know how to format the laptop completely, so as not to cause trouble for yourself or the new user. In any case, computer literacy will not be superfluous in such a question.

How to format a computer

As you know, any computer has two types of disks - system and non-system. In addition, you may need to format only one logical partition in the Windows operating system.

This operation is quite simple. Using the Explorer (or clicking on the "My Computer" icon), select the disk you want to clean, for example, D, right-click and select "Format" from the drop-down list. The system will ask for additional parameters, which can also be specified if desired: a volume label, a formatting method. As a rule, by default the file system is specified as NTFS, and the formatting is fast. If you do not have special requirements, then it is better to leave everything as is, by clicking "ok". If you decide to format the computer, you should be prepared for the fact that it will take some time.

In order to clean the non-system disk, you canuse the command line, writing in it: "format / FS: NTFS D: / q". D in this case is the disk to be cleaned. For this operation, you must have administrative rights.

installation of the system

How to format the laptop completely

If the task is to completely clean the PC, thenyou will need to format the hard drive too. In any case, before you press the "Format" button, you need to save all data and installation files. Otherwise, they will be deleted, and you will have to spend time restoring the necessary programs and documents.

The next step on how to formatcompletely computer, is a change in BIOS settings. After rebooting the machine, you need to enter the BIOS and change the settings in the Boot menu to start from a disk or removable drive ("Boot from CD" or "Boot from removable storage" items). The computer will restart once more, saving changes in the settings.

bios window

Having switched on again, according to the instructions, the carwill require a boot disk to start the operating system. Insert the disk, wait for the download of all the files, then select the necessary settings, following the prompts of the installation wizard. You need to select a full installation, because when you format the disks from them, absolutely all the information is deleted. This also needs to be remembered, wondering how to completely format the hard drive.

Next, you will need to delete the existing partitionor multiple partitions and allow all Windows files to be installed. In time this will last about 30 minutes. After that, the machine will reboot again, and you will just have to wait for it to turn on and set the last parameters - computer name, date and time, product key, update parameters, etc. Next, the network settings for future work on the Internet are entered, the computer will automatically establish the connection using the specified parameters. Now the formatting is completed, and at your disposal is an absolutely clean laptop, all systems of which work without failures.

installation of windows

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